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Passage One Another incident that drew us closer was our first miscommunication, which resulted from Andy teasing ( 调侃 ) me and my taking him seriously and so getting offended. When later sharing details of our relationship with another friend, she first pronounced us best friends. Her explanation? We talked about everything, and we had fights but were still friends. January also ended with another first. I had to concentrate on my studies and, consequently, my emails became sporadic ( 零星的 ).I apologized, but Andy reassured me that he understood and, for the first time, used what became a catch phrase( 妙语) in our relationship:"The good things in life are worth the wait... and you are worth the wait." The phrase took on even more meaning as we both awaited the day when we could meet face-to-face and be finally sure of what we had. Fears and hopes mixed in our hearts, as we recognized the changes being in each other's physical presence could forever bring to our friendship. What if we found ourselves unable to communicate, once conversation became visual? What if we didn't like spending time with one another as much as we liked talking with one another? What if we lost the friendship that had sustained us for eight months and was one of the best relationships we had found in our lives? As we waited, our friendship continued to flourish in spite of the geographical distance separating us. Our mammoth( 海量的) messages were replaced with shorter emails sent throughout the day, affording us more insight into our routine world. Scans of photos from our lives were often attached to our email messages. We also began dedicating more evenings to each other. For example, we sat in front of our respective television sets to watch a favorite program or a rented movie and then later shared our opinions through email. Then, about a month before our vacation, Andy faced a deadline at work so his emails became sporadic He apologized, but I reassured him that I understood and said:"The good things in life are worth the wait...and you are worth the wait." 23. Their response to the respective apology in the two incidents is ______.

A) the silence of the heart
B) a quick explanation
C) a loving expression
D) the catch phrase

【单选题】Passage One Another incident that drew us closer was our first miscommunication, which resulted from Andy teasing ( 调侃 ) me and my taking him seriously and so getting offended. When later sharing deta...

They are confident of a sustainable friendship.
They cannot help but break their friendship.
They are worried about their friendship.
They find it hard to define friendship.