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Corporate Survey for Upcoming 2nd Fiscal Quarter
Royal Thai Ministry of Economics and Trade
Respondent Information:
Your Name:______
Your Title:______
Your Company’s Name:______
Your company’s products or services:______
Number of workers in your company(choose one):
1-50 51-100 101-500 over 500
Where is your main office located (Thailand) (Overseas)
Business Plans, 2nd Quarter
Please inform us of your plans for the 2nd quarter by answering the questions below.
1. Do you plan to hire more workers (Y) (N)
2. If you answered "Yes" to No. 1, how many, approximately
3. Do you plan to invest(including manufacturing, equipment, facilities or real estate) (Y) (N)
4. If you answered "Yes" to No. 3, how much, approximately
5. Do you plan to increase research and development spending (Y) (N)
6. If you answered "Yes" to No. 5, by how much, approximately
7. Do you plan to increase marketing spending (Y) (N)
8. If you answered "Yes" to No. 7, by how much, approximately
Your specific responses will be kept confidential. Your and other responses will be combined into statistical research for our ministry.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Royal Thai Ministry of Economics and Trade
Hong Kong Business Weekly
Report on Thai business conditions-where to next.
By Su Qi Ming (Reporting from Bangkok)
Figures released by the Thai government this week suggest that Thai companies are reluctant to spend. As CEO Yardthip Womsowat of Southeast Industrial Group stated in an interview with us, "Our corporation, along with many other Thai and Thai-based foreign companies, are waiting for local business conditions to improve before actingl However, spending in some areas has fallen beneath 15%. In those areas, spending needs to rise right away just to keep Thai companies at least minimally competitive."
2nd Quarter Business Activity Forecast, Thailand
% of Companies Engaged in Each Activity

The Thai economy is not predicted to start posting a strong performance until the 3rd quarter of next year. Until then, the current business trends in the country will probably remain relatively unchanged.
Thai manufacturers, banks, and even tourist facilities are reporting slowdowns because of this and so have adjusted their business activities to compensate. Exceptions to this are Thai IT companies. Because of the demand for Thai goods and services in this sector from businesses and consumers in Japan, the U.S. and the European Union, these companies have been able to ignore current troubles in the national economy.
Hong Kong Business WeeklyReport on Thai business conditions-where to next.Which kind of company is likely unaffected by the current economy

Computer makers
Investment banks
Shipping companies
Resort hotels

【单选题】From: helena21 @ martelsoft.com To: kimura@ martelsoft.com Subject: Today’s Meeting Date: July 27 Dear Mr. Kimura, Senior management decided in a meeting today to make changes to our present customer ...

Shifting a function outside the company
Investing more in modern technologies
Marketing in numerous overseas markets
Switching to a different business product

【单选题】43() A.paid B.increase C.decrease D.income

In 1959 the (41) American family paid $ 989 (42) a year’ s supply of food. In 1972 the family paid $1 311. That was a price (43) of nearly one-third.
Every family has (44) this sort of experience. Everyone agrees that the cost of (45) a family has risen sharply. But there is less agreement (46) reasons for the rise are being discussed. Who is really (47)
Many blame the farmers who (48) the vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs and cheese (49) stores offer for (50) . According to the U.S. Department of (51) , the farmer’s share of the $ 1 311 spent by the family in 1972 was $ 521. This was thirty-one percent (52) than the farmer had received in 1959.
But farmers claim that this increase was very small (53) to the increase in their cost of (54) . Farmers tend to blame others for the sharp (55) in food prices. They particularly blame those who (56) the farm products after the products leave the farm. These (57) truck drives, meat packers, manufacturers of packages and other food containers, and the (58) of stores where food is sold. They are among the "middlemen" who stand (59) the farmer and the people who buy and eat the food. (60) middlemen the ones to blame for food price