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阅读理解。 Cindy likes eating ice cream very much. She often buys ice cream in the shop and takes them home. So does her husband (丈夫). One day her husband sees the ice cream and thinks, 'Good! Now, I can have a delicious dessert.' When Cindy comes home from work in the evening, the ice cream is not there and her husband says, 'Oh, you see the bridge (冰箱) is broken. It's not cold at all.' 'Really?' Cindy says. And at the same time, she puts her husband's arm into the fridge. 'Keep it for an hour. Don't move it away before I come back.' She goes to cook dinner. 'Oh, no.' her husband shouts loudly. 1. What does Cindy like to eat? A. ice cream B. eggs C. fish D. meat 2. What does 'So does her husband' mean? A. 她丈夫不爱吃 B. 她丈夫也是 C. 她丈夫是的 D. 所以是她丈夫 3. The bridge is broken. Is it true? A. Yes, it is B.  No, it isn't C. Yes, it isn't D. No, it is. 4. Does Cindy know her husband eats her ice cream? A. Yes, she does. B. No, She doesn't. C. I don't know. D. It doesn't tell. 5. Cindy buys ice cream from _____. A. shop B. restaurant C. dessert shop D. hotel
