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We assumed ethics needed the seal of certainty, else it was non-rational. And certainty was to be produced by a deductive model: the correct actions were derivable from classical first principles or a hierarchical ranked pantheon of principles. This model, though, is bankrupt.
I suggest we think of ethics as ogous to language usage. There are no univocal rules of grammar and style which uniquely determine the best sentence for a particular situation. Nor is language usage universalizable. Although a sentence or phrase is warranted in one case, it does not mean it is automatically appropriate in like circumstances. Nonetheless, language usage is not subjective.
This should not surprise us in the least. All intellectual pursuits are relativistic in just these senses. Political science, psychology, chemistry, and physics are not certain, but they are not subjective either. As I see it, ethical inquiry proceed like this: we are taught moral principles by parents, teachers, and society at large. As we grow older we become exposed to competing views. These may lead us to reevaluate presently held beliefs. Or we may find ourselves inexplicably certain valuations, possibly because of inherited altruistic tendencies. We may "learn the hard way, that some actions generate unacceptable consequences. Or we may reflect upon our own and others’ "theories" or patterns of behavior and decide they are inconsistent. The resulting views are "tested;" we act as we think we should and evaluate the consequences of those actions on ourselves and on others. We thereby correct our mistakes in light of the test of time.
Of course people make different moral judgments; of course we cannot resolve these differences by using some algorithm which is itself beyond judgment. We have no vantage point outside human experience where we can judge right and wrong, good and bad. But then we don’t have a vantage point from where we can be philosophical relativists either.
We are left within the real world, trying to cope with ourselves, with each other, with the world, and with our own mistakes. We do not have all the moral answers; nor do we have an algorithm to discern those answers. Neither do we possess an algorithm for determining correct language usage but that does not make us throw up our hands in despair because we can no longer communicate.
If we understand ethics in this way, we can see, I think, the real value of ethical theory. Some people talk as if ethical theories give us moral prescriptions. They think we should apply ethical principles as we would a poultice: after diagnosing the illness, we apply the appropriate dressing. But that is a mistake. No theory provides a set of abstract solutions to apply straightforwardly. Ethical theories are important not because they solve all moral dilemmas but because they help us notice salient features of moral problems and help us understand those problems in context.
It can be inferred from the passage that a relativistic view of ethics

can only be acquired after suffering loss.
often generates unacceptable consequences.
is cultivated and developed with personal growth.
is too abstract to be of any practical value.

【单选题】Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.8() A.instead of B.as well as C.apart from D.except for

When lab rats sleep, their brains revisit the maze they navigated during the day, according to a new study (1) yesterday, offering some of the strongest evidence (2) that animals do indeed dream. Experiments with sleeping rats found that cells in the animals’ brains fire in a distinctive pattern (3) the pattern that occurs when they are (4) and trying to learn their way around a maze.
Based on the results, the researchers concluded the rats were dreaming about the maze, (5) reviewing what they had learned while awake to (6) the memories.
Researchers have long known that animals go (7) the same types of sleep phases that people do, including rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, which is when people dream. But (8) the occasional twitching, growling or barking that any dog owner has (9) in his or her sleeping pet, there’s been (10) direct evidence that animals (11) . If animals dream, it suggests they might have more (12) mental functions than had been (13) .
"We have as humans felt that this (14) of memory—our ability to recall sequences of experiences—was something that was (15) human," Wilson said. "The fact that we see this in rodents (16) suggest they can evaluate their experience in a significant way. Animals may be (17) about more than we had previously considered."
The findings also provide new support for a leading theory for (18) humans sleep—to solidify new learning. "People are now really nailing down the fact that the brain during sleep is (19) its activity at least for the time immediately before sleep and almost undoubtedly using that review to (20) or integrate those memories into more usable forms," said an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

【单选题】Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.9() A.guaranteed B.encountered C.confirmed D.witnessed

When lab rats sleep, their brains revisit the maze they navigated during the day, according to a new study (1) yesterday, offering some of the strongest evidence (2) that animals do indeed dream. Experiments with sleeping rats found that cells in the animals’ brains fire in a distinctive pattern (3) the pattern that occurs when they are (4) and trying to learn their way around a maze.
Based on the results, the researchers concluded the rats were dreaming about the maze, (5) reviewing what they had learned while awake to (6) the memories.
Researchers have long known that animals go (7) the same types of sleep phases that people do, including rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, which is when people dream. But (8) the occasional twitching, growling or barking that any dog owner has (9) in his or her sleeping pet, there’s been (10) direct evidence that animals (11) . If animals dream, it suggests they might have more (12) mental functions than had been (13) .
"We have as humans felt that this (14) of memory—our ability to recall sequences of experiences—was something that was (15) human," Wilson said. "The fact that we see this in rodents (16) suggest they can evaluate their experience in a significant way. Animals may be (17) about more than we had previously considered."
The findings also provide new support for a leading theory for (18) humans sleep—to solidify new learning. "People are now really nailing down the fact that the brain during sleep is (19) its activity at least for the time immediately before sleep and almost undoubtedly using that review to (20) or integrate those memories into more usable forms," said an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

【单选题】Research is commonly divided into "applied" and "pure". This classification is arbitrary and loose, but what is usually meant is that applied research is a deliberate investigation of a problem of pra...

certain areas in pure research are not fully explored.
applied investigation requires greater scientific ability.
applied research is inferior to pure research.
knowledge is useless unless it is put into practice.

【单选题】Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.14() A.remainder B.acquisition C.property D.accuracy

When lab rats sleep, their brains revisit the maze they navigated during the day, according to a new study (1) yesterday, offering some of the strongest evidence (2) that animals do indeed dream. Experiments with sleeping rats found that cells in the animals’ brains fire in a distinctive pattern (3) the pattern that occurs when they are (4) and trying to learn their way around a maze.
Based on the results, the researchers concluded the rats were dreaming about the maze, (5) reviewing what they had learned while awake to (6) the memories.
Researchers have long known that animals go (7) the same types of sleep phases that people do, including rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, which is when people dream. But (8) the occasional twitching, growling or barking that any dog owner has (9) in his or her sleeping pet, there’s been (10) direct evidence that animals (11) . If animals dream, it suggests they might have more (12) mental functions than had been (13) .
"We have as humans felt that this (14) of memory—our ability to recall sequences of experiences—was something that was (15) human," Wilson said. "The fact that we see this in rodents (16) suggest they can evaluate their experience in a significant way. Animals may be (17) about more than we had previously considered."
The findings also provide new support for a leading theory for (18) humans sleep—to solidify new learning. "People are now really nailing down the fact that the brain during sleep is (19) its activity at least for the time immediately before sleep and almost undoubtedly using that review to (20) or integrate those memories into more usable forms," said an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

【单选题】钢筋混凝土预制桩基础施工中,打桩时应注意观察的内容中不包括()。 A.打桩架的垂直度 B.桩棰回弹情况 C.土层变化情况 D.贯入度变化情况
