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[A] Extensive applications of haptic technology.
[B] Possibilities rendered by haptic mechanisms.
[C] The feasibility of extending our senses and exploring abstract universes.
[D] An example of the progress in science of haptics.
[E] Bringing the potential of our senses into full play.
[F] Will haptics step into a bright future
"OOOF!" Using your mouse, you heave a data file across the screen--a couple of gigabytes of data weigh a lot. Its rough suce tells you that it is a graphics file. Having tipped this huge pile of data into a hopper that sends it to the right program, you examine a screen image of the forest trail you’ll be hiking on your vacation. Then, using a gloved hand, you its details by running your fingers over its forks and bends, its sharp rises and falls. Later you send an E-mail to your beloved, bending to the deskpad to attach a kiss.
41. __________.
The science of haptics (from the Greek haptesthai, "to touch") is these fantasies real. A few primitive devices are extending human-machine communication beyond vision and sound. Haptic joysticks and steering wheels for computer s are already giving happy players some of the sensations of piloting a spaceship, driving a racing car or firing weapons. In time, haptic inteces may allow us to manipulate single molecules, feel clouds and galaxies, even reach into higher dimensions to grasp the subtle structures of mathematics.
42. __________.
Most of our senses tire passive. In hearing and vision, for example, the sound or light is simply received and yzed. But touch is different: we actively explore and alter reality with our hands, so the same action that gathers information can also change the world--to model a piece of clay or press a button, for example. In providing direct contact between people, touch carries emotional impact. And in providing direct contact with the world, it is the sure sign of reality, as in "pinch me--am I dreaming"
43. __________.
Some small steps have even been taken towards whole-body haptics. Touch Technology of Nova Scotia, Canada, has built a haptic chair. It looks like a full-length lounge chair in a family den, but its suce is studded with 72 "tactors" -pneumatic piston rods, covered with rounded buttons, that can extend about an inch, and can be driven under computer control in any desired sequence and pattern. It could be programmed to imitate a real massage or to function in time to music. According to the manufacturer, that provides a powerful blending of sen-sations--a long-term goal of virtual reality.
44. __________.
Even at its present crude level, however, haptics can make tangible what once could not be touched or even pictured. To investigate the world of the very small, researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, have developed the nanoManipulator. This adds touch to the technique of scanning probe microscopy, which can image a single atom by monitoring either the electrical current flowing between an extremely fine probe and a suce or the force between them. With the nanoManipulator, researchers can see and manipulate a universe a million times smaller than their own, to study viruses and tiny semiconducting devices. If the force feedback can be made sensitive enough, it may be possible to push molecular keys into specific molecular locks, to custom-design drugs or assemble silicon parts into intricate nanomachines. With other inteces, there is no reason we shouldn’t also be able to touch the very large-clouds, ocean currents, mantle flows, mountains, galaxy clusters. Or the very strong--with a suitable force scaling, new ceramics or alloys could be squeezed and twanged to test their engineering properties. Or the physically extreme and inaccessible--such as ultra hot plasma flows in fusion machines.
45. __________.
Haptic technology could even make abstract ideas tangible. Many scientific concepts occupy spaces of more than three dimensions, string theory, for’ example, asserts that we live in a 10 or 11-dimensional Universe. As it is impossible to visualise such a space, we explore these ideas’ through mathematical expressions or two dimensional sketches on paper. But probing these unfamiliar geometries with touch may be more effective. And for blind people, haptics offers a new way to grasp information even in three dimensions. A group at the University of Delaware has developed an environment where a person can feel a mathematical function. Using a PHAN-TOM, the user "walks" along the suce of the figure. Like a hiker following mountainous terrain, the user feels where the function is steep, where it is level, and where its peaks and valleys lie. Other haptic systems could help blind people to browse the Internet, feeling images as well as words.
The future of haptics is bright, but the only sensual relationship it will be sustaining any time soon is between you and your computer.


[A] Extensive applications of haptic technology.
[B] Possibilities rendered by haptic mechanisms.
[C] The feasibility of extending our senses and exploring abstract universes.
[D] An example of the progress in science of haptics.
[E] Bringing the potential of our senses into full play.
[F] Will haptics step into a bright future
"OOOF!" Using your mouse, you heave a data file across the screen--a couple of gigabytes of data weigh a lot. Its rough suce tells you that it is a graphics file. Having tipped this huge pile of data into a hopper that sends it to the right program, you examine a screen image of the forest trail you’ll be hiking on your vacation. Then, using a gloved hand, you its details by running your fingers over its forks and bends, its sharp rises and falls. Later you send an E-mail to your beloved, bending to the deskpad to attach a kiss.
41. __________.
The science of haptics (from the Greek haptesthai, "to touch") is these fantasies real. A few primitive devices are extending human-machine communication beyond vision and sound. Haptic joysticks and steering wheels for computer s are already giving happy players some of the sensations of piloting a spaceship, driving a racing car or firing weapons. In time, haptic inteces may allow us to manipulate single molecules, feel clouds and galaxies, even reach into higher dimensions to grasp the subtle structures of mathematics.
42. __________.
Most of our senses tire passive. In hearing and vision, for example, the sound or light is simply received and yzed. But touch is different: we actively explore and alter reality with our hands, so the same action that gathers information can also change the world--to model a piece of clay or press a button, for example. In providing direct contact between people, touch carries emotional impact. And in providing direct contact with the world, it is the sure sign of reality, as in "pinch me--am I dreaming"
43. __________.
Some small steps have even been taken towards whole-body haptics. Touch Technology of Nova Scotia, Canada, has built a haptic chair. It looks like a full-length lounge chair in a family den, but its suce is studded with 72 "tactors" -pneumatic piston rods, covered with rounded buttons, that can extend about an inch, and can be driven under computer control in any desired sequence and pattern. It could be programmed to imitate a real massage or to function in time to music. According to the manufacturer, that provides a powerful blending of sen-sations--a long-term goal of virtual reality.
44. __________.
Even at its present crude level, however, haptics can make tangible what once could not be touched or even pictured. To investigate the world of the very small, researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, have developed the nanoManipulator. This adds touch to the technique of scanning probe microscopy, which can image a single atom by monitoring either the electrical current flowing between an extremely fine probe and a suce or the force between them. With the nanoManipulator, researchers can see and manipulate a universe a million times smaller than their own, to study viruses and tiny semiconducting devices. If the force feedback can be made sensitive enough, it may be possible to push molecular keys into specific molecular locks, to custom-design drugs or assemble silicon parts into intricate nanomachines. With other inteces, there is no reason we shouldn’t also be able to touch the very large-clouds, ocean currents, mantle flows, mountains, galaxy clusters. Or the very strong--with a suitable force scaling, new ceramics or alloys could be squeezed and twanged to test their engineering properties. Or the physically extreme and inaccessible--such as ultra hot plasma flows in fusion machines.
45. __________.
Haptic technology could even make abstract ideas tangible. Many scientific concepts occupy spaces of more than three dimensions, string theory, for’ example, asserts that we live in a 10 or 11-dimensional Universe. As it is impossible to visualise such a space, we explore these ideas’ through mathematical expressions or two dimensional sketches on paper. But probing these unfamiliar geometries with touch may be more effective. And for blind people, haptics offers a new way to grasp information even in three dimensions. A group at the University of Delaware has developed an environment where a person can feel a mathematical function. Using a PHAN-TOM, the user "walks" along the suce of the figure. Like a hiker following mountainous terrain, the user feels where the function is steep, where it is level, and where its peaks and valleys lie. Other haptic systems could help blind people to browse the Internet, feeling images as well as words.
The future of haptics is bright, but the only sensual relationship it will be sustaining any time soon is between you and your computer.


【单选题】The best title for the passage could be () A.Earning Money B.Students’ Life C.Little Business D.Kids’ Cafe

Every morning, kids from a local high school are working hard. They are making and selling special coffee at a coffee car6. They are also making a lot of money.
These students can make up to twelve hundred dollars a day. They are selling their special coffee to airplane passengers. After the students get paid, the rest of the money goes to helping a local youth project.
These high school students use a space in the Oakland airport, h is usually very crowded. Many people who fly on the planes like to drink the special coffee.
One customer thinks that the coffee costs a lot but it is good and worth it. Most customers are pleasant but some are unhappy. They do not like it if the coffee cafe is not open for business.
The students earn $ 6.10 an hour plus tips. They also get school credit while they learn how to run a business. Many of the students enjoy the work although it took some time to learn how to do it.
They have to learn how to steam milk, load the pots, and add flavor. It takes some skill and sometimes mistakes are made. The most common mistake is forgetting to add the coffee.

【单选题】When a disease of epidemic proportions rips into the populace, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the source of the affliction and find ways to combat it. Oftentimes, success is achi...

A possible negative outcome of administering vaccines.
The practical use of a vaccine to control an epidemic disease.
A method by which vaccines are employed against the disease.
The effectiveness of vaccines in curing certain disease.

【单选题】The buying of Alaska was first called () A.a foolish thing B.Seward’s Fooly C.Johnson’s Fooly D.President’s Foolishness

Alaska, which was called Russian America before it was sold to the United States of America, joined the union as the forty-ninth state in 1959.
Alaska is now the largest of all the 50 states of the United States.
It was in 1867 that President A. Johnson’s Secretary of State (国务卿) ,Seward bought Alaska from the Russians at a cost of 7.2 million. The buying of the huge northern land mass seemed at first something foolishly done. Not only was Alaska difficult to reach, but it was also hard to live in, and it appeared to have no importance in time of war. Besides, there are volcanoes there as Alaska lies on the Pacific "ring of fire" (火山带). In Alaska large treeless areas are covered with snow all the year. For these reasons the buying of Alaska was called "Seward’s Fooly" at that time.
However, in 1896 gold was found in Alaska, and people poured into the land quickly. Since then other important natural resources were discovered, including oil. Soon people changed their thinking about "Seward’s Fooly" . But most people visit Alaska in order to see the endless beauty of nature that the northern land discloses to them. For instance, there are about 11,000 islands in Alaska. And in a certain area of Alaska the sun does not set for 82 days every year.

【单选题】ABC会计师事务所的注册会计师B负责对乙公司2009年度财务报表进行审计并且于2010年3月15日签发了已经审计后财务报表的审计报告。但最近的情况是ABC会计师事务所被告上法庭。请代为做出正确的专业判断。 会计师事务所在审计业务活动中因过失出具不实报告,并给利害关系人造成损失的,人民法院应当根据其过失大小确定其赔偿责任。下列属于因为过失而被追究赔偿责任的是( )。
