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A survey showed that American women are more concerned about losing weight than they are about (26) cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
More than half of the 3,000 women questioned in the (27) by Meredith Corporation and NBC Universal were worried about diet and weight, compared to 23 percent who were concerned about cancer and 20 percent who were anxious about their cardiovascular health.
The women were asked to (28) the health issues they were concerned about from a list of 20 problems.
The survey showed many women thought they should be slimmer, with more than 80 percent saying they were (29) .
But just 43 percent said they were exercising at least three times a week, and 11 percent played team and individual sports. And less than two-thirds of all women said they get an annual (30) .
"These (31) should be a wake-up call to American women everywhere to make their yearly checkups (32) and make their own personal health a top (33) ." said Diane Salvatore, editor in chief of Ladies’ Home Journal, which is published by Meredith Corp.
While the majority of women said they were overweight, 68 percent said they (34) their identity and development as an individual.
But 40 percent said it was wrong for a man to tell a woman she was overweight.
To improve their health, 26 percent of women said they took (35) herbs and supplements, while 25 percent bought or adopted a pet, according to the survey.
Four percent visited a spiritual or religious leader and one percent went to a hypnotist. A survey showed that American women are more concerned about losing weight than they are about (26) cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
More than half of the 3,000 women questioned in the (27) by Meredith Corporation and NBC Universal were worried about diet and weight, compared to 23 percent who were concerned about cancer and 20 percent who were anxious about their cardiovascular health.
The women were asked to (28) the health issues they were concerned about from a list of 20 problems.
The survey showed many women thought they should be slimmer, with more than 80 percent saying they were (29) .
But just 43 percent said they were exercising at least three times a week, and 11 percent played team and individual sports. And less than two-thirds of all women said they get an annual (30) .
"These (31) should be a wake-up call to American women everywhere to make their yearly checkups (32) and make their own personal health a top (33) ." said Diane Salvatore, editor in chief of Ladies’ Home Journal, which is published by Meredith Corp.
While the majority of women said they were overweight, 68 percent said they (34) their identity and development as an individual.
But 40 percent said it was wrong for a man to tell a woman she was overweight.
To improve their health, 26 percent of women said they took (35) herbs and supplements, while 25 percent bought or adopted a pet, according to the survey.
Four percent visited a spiritual or religious leader and one percent went to a hypnotist.


【单选题】Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

The man wants to buy it.
The man doesn’t like the brake of the bike.
The bike will be a waste of money if he buys it.
The man likes tile appearance of the bike.

【单选题】Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Because he wanted to invite Peter to a concert.
Because he thought Peter was not at practice for the concert program.
Because he wanted Peter to join the large music group.
Because he wanted to see Peter at home.

【单选题】Despite their many differences of temperament and of literary perspective, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, and Whitman share certain beliefs. Common to all these writers is their humanistic per...

enables them to assert the importance of the democratic ethic
justifies their concept of the freedom of the individual
sustains their faith in the existence of an individual
is the foundation of their humanistic view of existence

【单选题】Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

The room is too crowded.
The room is too small.
The room is dirty with step stairs.
They .couldn’t play ball games.

