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To the Editor: I am writing in response to your recent article "The Blurring of Work and Leisure." Although the article is very interesting, I ( ) with Dalton Conley's ideas about "weisure." Conley argues that ( ) , but this is not always true. ( ) that this blurring of work and leisure has existed since the rise of the professional middle class. Doctors, for example, have always been expected to work at inconvenient times. ( ) , many other workers today have no difficulty leaving their work behind at 5 p.m. Furthermore, the Internet has not changed the nature of communication, but ( ) changed the form of communication, from letters or telephones to email or text messaging. ( ) Conley, the professional world today is no longer a "man's world," ( ) this is not completely true. It is still very difficult for women to achieve the highest positions in many professions. I also disagree with another point. ( ) the author suggests that family life responsibilities interfere with work, many working parents are able to handle both their jobs and their family lives separately without this so-called blurring. I hope your readers understand that it is possible to have a successful career and a satisfying personal life at the same time. Catherine Morella Toronto
