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My worst day at the office I started working in the office of Mathew Brothers three months ago as assistant to the production manager. I had to answer the telephone, write emails to customers and file all the papers that Mr Carson, my boss, gave me. But one day, everything went wrong. First, I put the new documents Mr Carson gave me into the paper shredder*, thinking they were the old ones. Then I poured coffee all over the letters that I had just typed and wanted Mr Carson to sign. When our key customer from China rang, I tried to connect him to Mr Carson, but cut the connection instead. When he rang back, he was not very pleased even though I apologised. After lunch things went OK until I was back a the paper shredder. I put in a pile of papers to shred but didn't check if there were any staples in the papers, and so broke the shredder. When Mr Carson asked me to copy a document onto an overhead projector transparency for his talk the next day, I used the wrong transparency. It burned and did serious damage to the photocopier. That was when I decided to go home before I did any more damage and lost my job. *paper shredder 碎纸机
