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"Monopoly" (in the last sentence) in the passage refers to ().

A.the exclusive control of the market forces by the rich
B.the dominant control of the new technologies by a particular sector
C.the powerful control of the K-sector over the C-and S-sectors
D.the ignorance of the social indicators of race, gender, and class in understanding inequality

Passage Three
The United States in the 1990s has had seven years of economic boom with low unemployment, low inflation, and low government deficit. Amid all of this good news, inequality has increased and wages have barely risen. Common sense knowledge seems to be right in this instance, that is, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class is shrinking. Though President Clinton boasts that the number of people on welfare has decreased significantly under his regime to 8 million, a 44% decline from 1994, he forgets that there are still 36.5 million poor people in the United States, which is only a 2% decline in the same amount of time. How is it possible that we have increasing inequality during economic prosperity
This contradiction is not easily explained by the dominant neoclassical economic discourse of our time. Nor is it resolved by neoconservative social policy. More helpful is the one book under review: James K. Galbraith’s Created Unequal, a Keynesian ysis of increasing wage inequality.
James K. Galbraith provides a multicausal ysis that blames the current free market monetary policy for the increasing wage inequality. He calls for a rebellion in economic ysis and policy and for a reapplication of Keynesian macroeconomics to solve the problem. In Created Unequal, Galbraith successfully debunks the conservative contention that wage inequality is necessary because the new skill-based technological innovation requires educated workers who are in short supply. For Galbraith, this is a fantasy. He also critiques their two other assertions: first, that global competition requires an increase in inequality and that the maintenance of inequality is necessary to fight inflation. He points to transfer payments that are mediated by the state: payment to the poor in the form of welfare is minor relative to payment to the elderly in the form of social security or to the rich in the form of interest on public and private debt.
Galbraith minimizes the social indicators of race, gender, and class and tells us that these are not important in understanding wage inequality. What is important is Keynesian macroeconomics. To make this point, he introduces a sectoral ysis of the economy.. Here knowledge is dominant (the K-sector) and the producers of consumption goods (the C-sector) are in decline. The third sector is large and low paid (the S-sector). The K-sector controls the new technologies and wields monopoly power. Both wages and profit decline in the other two sectors. As a result of monopoly, power inequality increases.



【单选题】In the author’s view, the job market will (). A.recover very quickly in the next year or so B.further deteriorate in the coming years C.see a mild recovery in the near future D.remain unchanged within...

Passage Four
Another month, another dismal set of job figures. America pulled out of its last economic recession way back in November 2001, yet the country’s "jobs recession" finished only last autumn, when 2.7 million jobs had been lost since the start of the slowdown. Now, though economic growth has bounced back, new jobs refuse to do the same in this, the third year of recovery. In February, a mere 21,000 jobs were created, according to the official payroll survey, at a time when George Bush’s economists forecast 2.6 million new jobs for 2004 mounting alarm at the White House, and increased calls for protection against what a growing number of Americans see as the root of most ills: the "outsourcing" of jobs to places like China and India. Last week the Senate approved a bill that forbids the outsourcing of government contracts--a curious case of a government guaranteeing not to deliver value-for-money to taxpayers. American anxiety over the economy appears to have tipped over into paranoia and self-delusion.
Too strong Not really. As The Economist has recently argued--though in the face of many angry readers--the jobs lost are mainly a cyclical affair, not a structural one. They must also be set against the 24 million new jobs created during the 1990s. Certainly, the slow pace of job-creation today is without precedent, but so were the conditions that conspired to slow a booming economy at the beginning of the decade. A stock market bubble burst, and rampant business investment slumped. Then, when the economy was down, terrorist attacks were followed by a spate of scandals that undermined public trust in the way companies were run. These acted as powerful headwinds and, in the face of them, the last recession was remarkably mild. By the same token, the recovery is mild, too. Still, in the next year or so, today’s high productivity growth will start to translate into more jobs. Whether that is in time for Mr. Bush is another matter.
As for outsourcing, it is implausible now, as Lawrence Katz at Harvard University argues, to think that outsourcing has profoundly changed the structure of the American economy over just the past three or four years. After all, outsourcing was in full swing--both in manufacturing and in services--throughout the job-creating 1990s. Government statisticians reckon that outsourced jobs are responsible for well under 1% of those signed up as unemployed. And the jobs lost to outsourcing pale in comparison with the number of jobs lost and created each month at home.

【单选题】25() A.when B.why C.where D.whom

Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choices the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
Excitement, fatigue, and anxiety can all be detected from someone’s blinks, according to psychologist John Stern (21) Washington University in St. Louis. Stern specialized in the study on these tiny twitches, using them as sensitive (22) of how the brain works. "I use blinks as a psychological measure to make (23) about thinking because I have very little (24) in what you tell me about what you are thinking." He says. "If I ask you the question, ’what does the phrase a rolling stone gathers no moss mean’ you can’t tell me (25) you’ve started looking for the answer. But I can, by watching your eyes."
Blinks also tell Stern when you have understood his question--often long before he’s finished asking it--and when you’ve found an answer or part of (26) . "We blink at times (27) are psychologically important." He says. "You have listened to a question, you understand it, (28) you can take time out for a blink. Blinks are (29) marks. Their timing is tied to what is going on in your (30) ."
Stern has found that (31) suppress blinks when they are absorbing or anticipating (32) but not when they’re reciting it. People blink later, for example, (33) they have to memorize six numbers instead of two. "You don’t blink," he says, "until you have (34) the information to some short-term memory store." And if subjects are cued (35) the set of numbers is coming, say, five seconds, they’ll curb their blinks until the task is (36) . Similarly, the more important the information that people are taking in, the more likely they are to put their blinks on hold for (37) Pilots blink less when they’re (38) for flying a plane than when they (39) their eyes from the road to the rearview mirror. But if they see the flashing lights of a state trooper behind them, their (40) will move fast to the speed-meter and back to the mirror.

【单选题】36() A.over B.up C.off D.in

Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choices the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
Excitement, fatigue, and anxiety can all be detected from someone’s blinks, according to psychologist John Stern (21) Washington University in St. Louis. Stern specialized in the study on these tiny twitches, using them as sensitive (22) of how the brain works. "I use blinks as a psychological measure to make (23) about thinking because I have very little (24) in what you tell me about what you are thinking." He says. "If I ask you the question, ’what does the phrase a rolling stone gathers no moss mean’ you can’t tell me (25) you’ve started looking for the answer. But I can, by watching your eyes."
Blinks also tell Stern when you have understood his question--often long before he’s finished asking it--and when you’ve found an answer or part of (26) . "We blink at times (27) are psychologically important." He says. "You have listened to a question, you understand it, (28) you can take time out for a blink. Blinks are (29) marks. Their timing is tied to what is going on in your (30) ."
Stern has found that (31) suppress blinks when they are absorbing or anticipating (32) but not when they’re reciting it. People blink later, for example, (33) they have to memorize six numbers instead of two. "You don’t blink," he says, "until you have (34) the information to some short-term memory store." And if subjects are cued (35) the set of numbers is coming, say, five seconds, they’ll curb their blinks until the task is (36) . Similarly, the more important the information that people are taking in, the more likely they are to put their blinks on hold for (37) Pilots blink less when they’re (38) for flying a plane than when they (39) their eyes from the road to the rearview mirror. But if they see the flashing lights of a state trooper behind them, their (40) will move fast to the speed-meter and back to the mirror.

【单选题】21() A.to B.of C.with D.in

Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choices the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
Excitement, fatigue, and anxiety can all be detected from someone’s blinks, according to psychologist John Stern (21) Washington University in St. Louis. Stern specialized in the study on these tiny twitches, using them as sensitive (22) of how the brain works. "I use blinks as a psychological measure to make (23) about thinking because I have very little (24) in what you tell me about what you are thinking." He says. "If I ask you the question, ’what does the phrase a rolling stone gathers no moss mean’ you can’t tell me (25) you’ve started looking for the answer. But I can, by watching your eyes."
Blinks also tell Stern when you have understood his question--often long before he’s finished asking it--and when you’ve found an answer or part of (26) . "We blink at times (27) are psychologically important." He says. "You have listened to a question, you understand it, (28) you can take time out for a blink. Blinks are (29) marks. Their timing is tied to what is going on in your (30) ."
Stern has found that (31) suppress blinks when they are absorbing or anticipating (32) but not when they’re reciting it. People blink later, for example, (33) they have to memorize six numbers instead of two. "You don’t blink," he says, "until you have (34) the information to some short-term memory store." And if subjects are cued (35) the set of numbers is coming, say, five seconds, they’ll curb their blinks until the task is (36) . Similarly, the more important the information that people are taking in, the more likely they are to put their blinks on hold for (37) Pilots blink less when they’re (38) for flying a plane than when they (39) their eyes from the road to the rearview mirror. But if they see the flashing lights of a state trooper behind them, their (40) will move fast to the speed-meter and back to the mirror.