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Table manners for children: 1. Swallow( 吞 ) all of your food before you talk. 2. If you put something that is too hot in your month, don’t spit it out. Instead, reach for your drink and take a quick sip ( 一小口 ). 3. Ask someone to pass food that is not right in front of you. Don’t reach for it. 4. Chew with your mouth closed. 5. Food is for eating not for playing. 6. Ask the server to replace dropped silverware ( 银餐具 ). Don’t go under the table to get it. 7. Don’t stand by or on the chair. 8. Don’t play with hair at the table. Tips for parents: When dinning out, try to keep your meal time as close as possible to the usual time at home. You might try eating a little earlier to avoid the crowd. If you have younger children, let them sit facing a window so they will find something to keep them interested. If that’s not possible, let your children sit by a wall or away from other people. Keep it in mind that all children need to be reminded often at home and in public. Praise your children for using good manners. If you only tell your children what they’ve done wrong, they have no reason to behave well. After all, you’re only giving them attention when they misbehave. Most importantly, model ( 模仿 ) good behavior, your children watch everything you do. Teaching them to use good manners is not about impressing anyone. Rather, you are building confidence, awareness, and consideration of others on your children. With these tools, they will succeed wherever they choose to go.
