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On a cold day in 1942, inside a Nazi concentration camp, a lonely, young boy looked beyond the barbed wire (带刺铁丝网) and saw a young girl pass by. She too, was impressed by his 1 . In an effort to give expression to her 2 , she threw a red apple over the fence—a 3 of life, hope, and love. The boy 4 the apple and a ray of light 5 his darkness. The scene was 6 # for many days. The two young spirits on the opposite sides of the 7 looked forward to seeing 8 , if only to 9 a few words. One day, the boy said, “Tomorrow, don’t bring me an apple. I will not be here. They are sending me to another camp.” The boy walked away, too 10 to look back. But this wonderful memory remained 11 and gave him endless 12 in the hard life. In the US in 1957, two s took part in a blind date. “And 13 were you during the war?” asked the woman. “I was in a German concentration camp,” the man replied. “I remember I used to 14 apples over the fence to a boy who was in a concentration camp,” she 15 . With a feeling of 16 , the man said, “And did that boy tell you one day not to bring apples any more 17 he was to be sent to another camp?” “Why? Yes!” she replied. “But how could you 18 know that?” He looked into her eyes and said 19 , “I was that boy.” They hugged each other. Several months later, they got married. The darkest moments of one’s life may carry the seeds of the brightest 20 tomorrow.
