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Paul Straussmann, retired vice president of Xerox,, indicates in his book Information Pay-off that' almost half of the U.S.information workers are in executive, managerial, administrative and professional positions.' He further states that 'managers and professionals spend more than half of their time in communicating with each other.'
In other words ,people are a corporation's most expensive resource.For a typical office, over 90 percent of the operating budget is for salaries, benefits and over head.With this investment, is it any wonder that managers are focusing more and more attention on employee productivity? They realize that the paper jungle cannot be tamed simply by hiring more people.To receive a return on their investment, wise corporate executive officers are realizing what industrialists and agriculturists learned long ago--efficient tools are essential for increased productivity.
A direct relationship exists between efficient flow of information and the quality and speed of the output of the end product.For those companies using technology, the per document cost of information processing is only a fraction of what it was a few years ago.The decreasing cost of computers and peripherals( equipment tied to the computer) will continue to make technology a cost-effective tool in the future.An example of this type of saving is illustrated in the case of the Western Division of General Telephone and Electronics Company(GTE).By a one-time investment of $10 million to automate its facilities, management estimates an annual saving of $ 8.5 million for the company.This savings is gained mainly through the elimination of support people once needed for proposal projects.Through a telecommunications network that supports 150 computer terminals with good graphics capabilities, the engineers who conceptualize the projects are now direct participants.They use the graphics capacities of the computer rather than rely on drafters to prepare drawings, they enter their own text rather than employ typists, and they use the network to track project progress rather than conducting meetings.
In the first paragraph,the author quotes Straussmann's words in order to make clear

Paul Straussmann, retired vice president of Xerox,, indicates in his book Information Pay-off that' almost half of the U. S. information workers are in executive, managerial, administrative and professional positions. ' He further states that 'managers and professionals spend more than half of their time in communicating with each other. '
In other words ,people are a corporation's most expensive resource. For a typical office, over 90 percent of the operating budget is for salaries, benefits and over head. With this investment, is it any wonder that managers are focusing more and more attention on employee productivity? They realize that the paper jungle cannot be tamed simply by hiring more people. To receive a return on their investment, wise corporate executive officers are realizing what industrialists and agriculturists learned long ago--efficient tools are essential for increased productivity.
A direct relationship exists between efficient flow of information and the quality and speed of the output of the end product. For those companies using technology, the per document cost of information processing is only a fraction of what it was a few years ago. The decreasing cost of computers and peripherals( equipment tied to the computer) will continue to make technology a cost-effective tool in the future. An example of this type of saving is illustrated in the case of the Western Division of General Telephone and Electronics Company(GTE). By a one-time investment of $10 million to automate its facilities, management estimates an annual saving of $ 8.5 million for the company. This savings is gained mainly through the elimination of support people once needed for proposal projects. Through a telecommunications network that supports 150 computer terminals with good graphics capabilities, the engineers who conceptualize the projects are now direct participants. They use the graphics capacities of the computer rather than rely on drafters to prepare drawings, they enter their own text rather than employ typists, and they use the network to track project progress rather than conducting meetings.
In the first paragraph,the author quotes Straussmann's words in order to make clear

the importance of communicative capability in business
the need for people of higher positions in a company
the importance of assigning people to proper positions
the necessity for people in higher positions to know information science

【单选题】The author of the passage would most likely agree that the workaholic ______.

is mentally ill
performs an insignficant proportion of American business
will not have the regrets that many 'normal' people face at middle age
suffers from low self-esteem

【单选题】It was not until the accident happened ______.

when I realized my carelessness
that I realized my carelessness
as I realized my carelessness
when my carelessness has been realized

【多选题】在《巴塞尔新资本协议》中,规定对信用风险计量方法有三种,分别是( )。


【单选题】According to the passage, random failures in automatic control systems are 'not merely trivial aberrations' because ______.

automatic control systems are designed by engineers who have little practical experience in the field
the failures are characteristic of systems designed by engineers relying too heavily on concepts in mathematics
designers of automatic control systems have too little training in the analysis of mechanical difficulties
designers of automatic control systems need more help from scientists who have a better understanding of the analytical problems to be solved before such systems can work efficiently

【单选题】What is new about this year's meeting?

The cost for registration is low.
It offers money to some groups.
Individual students are welcome.
There is wireless Internet service.

【单选题】'The old verities' labeled by William Faulkner (Line 2, Paragraph 4) must refer to ______.

the past ways for ruling a society
the society's established virtues
the traditional doctrines and justice
the out-of-date moral conducts