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Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. Far each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with your pencil.
Passage One
In the st terms, a market is the place where seller meets buyer to exchange products for money. Traditional markets still function in many parts of the world. Even in the United Sales, during summer months there are farmers’ markets where direct selling and buying take place between producers and consumers. Most service industries still operate at this market level.
Manufacturing industries and most agricultural enterprises are more distant from the consumer. Their products pass through several hands—truckers, warehouse wholesalers, and retailers before reaching the final consumer.
Products, or commodities are usually divided into two types: consumer and industrial. Consumer goods are those that are sold to final users, the customers. These goods include food, clothing, automobiles, television sets, appliances, and all those things people go to stores to purchase.
Industrial goods are those that are sold to companies or other businesses for use in manufacturing or other purposes. Automobile makers buy many of the parts used to assemble cars. A tire manufacturer buys rubber, synthetic or otherwise, with which to make tires. ually these materials will end up in the hands of final users: the owners of the cars. The nature of industrial goods depends on the nature of the goods to be made for final users. The price of industrial goods and raw materials will influence the price of final goods, those that the consumer buys.
By saying "Manufacturing industries and most agricultural enterprises are more distant from the consumers" (para2), the author means ______.

their products are never sold directly into
they usually build their factories far away from markets
they usually need agents to sell and deliver their goods into consumers’ hands
they have used trucks to carry their products to consumers’ hands

【单选题】Passage Three The traditional appeal of the income tax has come from its wide acceptance as a lair tax. closely related to an individual’s ability to pay. For many gears the income tax p...

inflation was taken into account in the federal government’s income tax policy
inflation rate was brought under control and income tax rate was reduced
a number of states made their own laws against the rising inflation
the federal government adopted several inflation combating policies

【单选题】Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

The doctor only has time on Tuesdays.
The doctor is busy on Tuesday morning.
The man must come more than one time.
The man must arrive on time.

【单选题】Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

He may not have enough time to cook.
He may spend more money on food next semester.
He may gain weight if he does his own cooking.
He may not enjoy cooking.