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Preparing for Computer Disasters
Fires,power surges,and floods,they’re all facts of life.We read about them in the morning paper and see them on the evening news.We sympathize with the victims and commiserate over their bad luck.We also shake our heads at the digital consequences-melted computers,system failures,destroyed data.Yet,somehow,many of us continue to live by that old mantra of denial:“It won’t happen to me.”Well,the truth is,at some point you’ll probably have to deal with at least one disaster.That’s just how it goes,and in most aspects of our lives we do something about it.We buy insurance.We stow away provisions.We even make disaster plans and run drills.But for some reason,computer disaster recovery is a blind spot for many of us.It shouldn’t be.Home computers contain some of our most important information,both business and personal,and certain our data survives a disaster should be a priority.Moreover,even the smallest disaster can be a serious disruption.Personal computers have become an integral part of the smooth-running household. We use them to communicate, shop, and do homework, and they’re even more vital to home office users. When home office computers go down, many small businesses grind to a halt. Fortunately, taking steps to recover from disasters and minimize their effects is quite straightforward. With a good offsite storage plan and the right tools, you can bounce back quickly and easily from minor computer disasters. And, should a major calamity strike, you can rest assured your data is safe.
Offsite Storage: Major Disasters
House fires and floods are among the most devastating causes of personal computer destruction. That’s why a solid offsite backup and recovery plan is essential. Although many home users faithfully back up their hard drives, many would still lose all their data should their houses flood or burn. That’s because they keep their backups in relatively close to their computers. Their backup disks might not be in the same room as their computers-tucked away in a closet or even the garage-but they’re not nearly far enough away should a serious disaster strike. So, it’s important to back up your system to a removable medium and to store it elsewhere.
There are many ways to approach offsite storage. It starts with choice of backup tools and storage medium. Disaster situations are stressful, and your recovery tools shouldn’t add to that stress. They must be dependable and intuitive, it easy to schedule regular backups and to retrieve files in a pinch. They must also be compatible with your choice of backup medium. Depending on your tools, you can back up to a variety of durable disk types--from CDs to Jaz drives to remote network servers. Although many of these storage media have high capacity, a backup tool with compression capabilities is a big plus, eliminating the inconvenience of multiple disks or large uploads.
Once you select your tools and a suitable medium, you need to find a remote place to store your backups. The options are endless. However, no matter where you choose, be sure the site is secure, easily accessible, and a good distance away from your home. You may also want to consider using an Internet-based backup service. More and more service providers are offering storage space on their servers, and uploading files to a remote location has become an attractive alternative to conventional offsite storage. Of course, before using one of these services, make certain you completely trust the service provider and its security methods. Whatever you do, schedule backups regularly and store them far away from your home.
Come What May: Handling the Garden Variety Computer Cr
Not all home computer damage results from physical disaster. Many less menacing problems can also hobble your PC or destroy your information. Systems crash, kids "rearrange" data, s inadvertently delete files. Although these s might not seem calamitous, they can have serious implications. So, once again, it’s important to be prepared. As with physical disasters, regular backups are essential. However, some of these smaller issues require a response that’s more nuanced than wholesale backup and restoration. To deal with less-than-total disaster, your tool set must be both powerful and agile.For example, when a small number of files are compromised, you may want to retrieve those files alone. Meanwhile, if just your settings are affected, you’ll want a way to roll back to your preferred setup. Yet, should your operating system fail, you’ll need a way to boot your computer and perform large-scale recovery. Computer crises come in all shapes and sizes, and your backup and recovery tools must be flexible enough to meet each challenge.
The Right Tools for the Right Job: Gearing up for Disaster
When disaster strikes, the quality of your backup tools can make the difference between utter frustration and peace of mind. Symantec understands this and offers a range of top quality backup and recovery solutions. Norton GoBack is the perfect tool for random system crashes, failed installations, and inadvertent deletions. With this powerful and convenient solution, it’s to retrieve overwritten files or to bring your system back to its pre-crash state. Norton Ghost is a time-tested home office solution. Equipped to handle full-scale backups, it’s also handy for cloning hard drives and facilitating system upgrades. A favorite choice for IT professionals, it’s the ideal tool for the burgeoning home office. You can buy Norton Ghost and Norton GoBack separately.or get them both when you purchase Norton System Works.
Life’s disasters, large and small, often catch us by surprise. However, with a little planning and the right tools, you can reduce those disasters to bumps in the road. So, don’t wait another day. Buy a good set of disaster recovery tools, set up an automatic backup schedule, and perform a dry run every now and again. Then, rest easy.
Preparing for Computer DisastersOffsite Storage: Major DisastersCome What May: Handling the Garden Variety Computer CrThe Right Tools for the Right Job: Gearing up for DisasterThe quality of your backup tools determines whether you are frustrated or______ when disaster strikes.


【单选题】Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage. My father’s reaction to the bank building at 43rd Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City was immediate and definite. “You won’t catch me puttin...

The former thinks more of money than the latter.
The younger generation values money more than the older generation.
Both generations rely on the imaginative power of bankers to make money.
To the former money is a real commodity but to the latter the means of producing more money.

【单选题】Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Building ski jumps farther away from the city.
Developing better public transportation in the city.
Planting more trees around the fields.
Promoting the use of cleaner energy.

【单选题】在使用总账系统时,划分不同的凭证类别( )。


【单选题】The MiSmanagement of Customer LoyaltyThe high-tech corporate sewice provider produced a costing scheme in order to() A.find out the most loyal customer. B.reduce the investment in generating customer ...

The MiSmanagement of Customer Loyalty
The best customers, we’re told, are loyal ones. They cost less to serve, they’re usually willing to pay more than other customers. and they often act as word-of-mouth marketers for your company. Win loyalty, therefore, and profits will follow as night follows day. Certainly that’s what CRM software vendors—and the armies of consultants who help install their systems—are claiming. And it seems that many business executives agree. Corporate expenditures on loyalty initiatives are booming:The top 16 retailers in Europe, for example, collectively spent more than $1 billion last year。Indeed, for the last ten years, the gospel of customer loyalty has been repeated so often and so loudly that it seems almost crazy to challenge it.
But that is precisely what some of the loyalty movement’s early believers are starting to do. Take the case of one high-tech corporate service provider. This company set up an elaborate costing scheme to track the performance of its newly instituted loyalty programs. The scheme measured not only direct product costs for each customer but also all associated advertising, service, sales force, and organizational expenses. After running the scheme for five years, the company was able to determine the profitability of each of its accounts over time. Executives were curious to see just what payoff they were getting from their $2 million annual investment in customer loyalty.
The answer took them by surprise. About half of those customers who made regular purchases for at least two years—and were therefore designated as ‘loyal’—barely generated a profit. Conversely, about half of the most profitable customers were blow-ins, buying a great deal of high-margin products in a short time before completely disappearing.
The research findings echo that company’s experience. Some experts have been studying the dynamics of customer loyalty and have found that the relationship between loyalty and profitability is much weaker—and subtler—than the proponents of loyalty programs claim. Specifically, they discovered little or no evidence to suggest that customers who purchase steadily from a company over time are necessarily cheaper to serve, less price sensitive, or particularly effective at bringing in new business.
Indeed, in light of their findings, many companies will need to reevaluate the way they manage customer loyalty programs. Instead of focusing on loyalty alone, companies will have to find ways to measure the relationship between loyalty and profitability so that they car better identify which customers to focus on and which to ignore. The experts have found. a new methodology that will enable managers to determine far more precisely than most existing approaches do just when to let go of a given customer and so dramatically improve the returns on their investments in loyalty.