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All living things need air to live. People need clean air to breathe. But sometimes people make the air dirty. They drive so many cars that the fumes from the cars pollute the air.
Fumes are made when gasoline is burned. The fumes that come out of cars, buses and trucks can pollute the air.
Environmental engineers are people who work to protect the environment. One of their jobs is to design or plan cars that will not pollute the air. Some time ago environmental engineers designed an object for cars that removes harmful pollution. Now cars are causing less pollution than they once did, because environmental engineers worked hard to protect the environment.
All living things need air ______.

to grow
to produce fruits
to breathe

【单选题】15() A.who B.which C.what D.where

These are tough times for Wal-Mart, America’s biggest retailer. Long accused of (1) small-town America mad condemned for the selfishness of its pay, the company has lately come under (2) for its meanness over employees’ health-care benefits. The charge is arguably (3) : the firm’s health coverage, while (4) less extensive than the average for big companies, is on equal terms (5) other retailers’. But bad publicity, coupled with rising costs, has (6) the Bentonville giant to action. WalMart is making changes that should shift the ground in America’s healthcare debate.
One (7) is to reduce the prices of many generic, or out-of-patent, prescription drugs. Wal-Mart’s critics dismiss the move as a publicity (8) . The list of drugs includes only 143 different medicines and excludes many popular group. True, but short-sighted. Wal-Mart has (9) retailing by using its size to squeeze suppliers and (10) the gains on to consumers. It could (11) the same with drugs. A "Wal-Mart effect" in drugs will not solve America’s health-costs problem: group account for only a small share of drug costs, which in turn make (12) only 10% of overall health spending. But it would (13) .
The firm’s other initiative is more (14) . Wal-Mart is joining the small but fast-growing group of employers (15) are controlling costs by shifting to health insurance with high deductibles.
Early evidence (16) these plans do help firms control the cost of health insurance. But critics say that the savings are (17) . They argue that the plans shift costs to sicker workers, discourage preventative care and will anyway do little to (18) overall health spending, (19) most of the $2 trillion that America (20) health care each year goes to people with multiple chronic diseases.



【单选题】36(). A.watch B.see C.notice D.find

Traveling can be fun and easy. A vacation trip to another country is especially (21) when the traveling conditions are good. Good traveling conditions (22) a comfortable mode of transportation, knowledge of the (23) language, familiarity (24) the custom and habits of the people in the country, and pleasant traveling (25) . All of us have had nice trips (26) this.
Most of us have also had trips that we would (27) to forget. Many conditions can produce a bad (28) experience. For example, if the four conditions (29) above do not exist, we will probably have a bad experience, (30) at best difficult (31) . Students who travel to a (32) country to study often have a difficult trip. They usually travel (33) . They don’t know the language of the new country (34) . They often arrive in the new country (35) a judge international airport. From the airport, they need to (36) their way to their school. Maybe they need to (37) airplanes, to take a bus, a train, or a taxi. They need to do ail this in a country (38) everything is unfamiliar. Later, after the experience is (39) , they can laugh. But at the (40) , they feel terrible.