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Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should decide on the best choice.
With more and more parents working outside the home, students are very aware that it is difficult for school officials to contact their parents, and that even if they do, their parents often refuse to respond.Exacerbating (使恶化) this problem further, the parents may refuse to come to the school when asked if a child has been in trouble repeatedly, because they are tired of dealing with the child's problems.They believe the school is at fault, or they believe there is nothing they can do to control the child.
Sometimes parents do not respond because they were unsuccessful in their own school experience; they view school as a hostile environment.Likewise, a parent who does come to the school may support the student's disruptive (扰乱的) or violent behaviour as another form.of 'bribery' to gain their child's affection, particularly when the relationship between the two is strained.This is most apparent in aggressive parents who have minimal parenting skills.Further, teachers report about students, even very young students, who state that their parents have told them that they do not have to do what the teacher says or that if anyone tries to take something from them, or insults or hits them, they should fight back.Unfortunately, many parents admit that they have so instructed their child and are offended when teachers question such directions.
These types of parenting are evident across the socioeconomic spectrum.Parenting that indulges, neglects, abuses or ignores children, and that fails to provide strong, positive guidance, discipline and nurturance, contributes to the spread of violence in schools.Such parenting is seen in families plagued by chronic unemployment and poverty, especially when parents are concentrating more on the economic survival of the family than on the attitudes and behaviour of the children.It is also seen in affluent families that indulge their children' s every material request.Lastly, it is seen in families where parents do not have much time to spend with their children because of job demands.
One reason parents refuse to reply to the school about their child's problems is that______.

they are too busy to handle the problems
they think the school is responsible for the problems
they are too tired to handle the problems
they think the school is hostile to them

【单选题】Don’t Destroy the Essential Catalyst of Risk Since the spring, and most acutely this autumn, a global contagion (传染)of fear and panic has choked off the arteries of finance, compounding a broader dete...

positions and commitments were initially assessed precisely
asset values were accounted for properly
financial liabilities were assigned precisely
positions were valued fairly