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Dress to impress 讲究穿着以便给人留下好印象 What do you wear to work? Do you wear a uniform 制服 , perhaps something formal 正式的 , or do you just pick up the first T-shirt you can find in your wardrobe? I dress in casual 休闲的 clothes but I sometimes wonder: could a makeover 改头换面,重新塑造形象 advance my career? Accountancy firm PwC believes appearance 外表 is very important. They say people make up their mind 拿定(他们的)主意 about someone in just 30 seconds. What you wear can help you be remembered for the right reasons. Image consultants 形象顾问 say what you wear is a big part of your personal brand 个人品牌 . But for many people what should matter is whether you can do your job, rather than your choice of attire 服装 . Karen Pine, a psychology professor at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, says women who wear slightly provocative 挑衅性的、挑逗性的 clothes to work are judged to be less competent and less likely to get a promotion. So low-cut 低胸的 dresses and tight-fitting 紧身的 clothes are a no-no 万万不能,禁忌 , unless you’re in show business. And men aren’t off the hook 摆脱困境,逃脱 when it comes to dress code 着装要求 either. Pine says that men are perceived as less successful if they wear an off-the-shelf 现成的 suit, while equally suitable candidates who don 穿上 a tailor-made 量身订做的 suit are more likely to get a promotion. But clothes are about more than just appearances. Smart Works is a charity in the UK which offers high-quality clothes for unemployed women on low income to help them find a job. The charity’s chairwoman Juliet Hughes-Hallett says: “It’s not really about the clothes. It’s often really emotional. The people who are dressing them are feeding their self-esteem 自尊心 .”So, maybe it’s a good idea to put on that old Superman T-shirt after all, if only under my smart suit. It might make me feel strong and superior. And I might start wearing glasses. They do make me look more intellectual and... well, they never did Clark Kent any harm. Who knows where my new clothes could lead me?


