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完形填空。 'Can I see my baby?' the happy new mother asked. When the 1 was put into her arms, she felt sad. The baby had been born without 2 . But the baby's hearing was 3 . When the boy ran home from school one day and 4 in her arms, she knew that her son's life would be 5 . The boy's father asked the doctor 6 something could be done.' I believe I could put a pair of ears on him if they could be 7 ,' the doctor said. Two years went by. 'You are going to the 8 son,' said the father one day. 9 would give you the ears.' The operation was very 10 , and the boy's life became beautiful. The boy asked his father. 'Who 11 so much for me? I could never do enough for him.' 'It's a secret,' said his father quietly. The years kept their secret, but the day did come. It was one of the 12 days for the son. He stood with his father over his mother's casket (棺材). 13 , the father raised the mother's long thick hair to 14 that the mother had no ears! 'Mother said she was happy that she never had her hair 15 ,' he said. 'And nobody had ever thought Mother less beautiful, had they?' (     )1. A. mother (     )2. A. hands (     )3. A. good (     )4. A. sang (     )5. A. hard (     )6. A. what (     )7. A. repaired (     )8. A. school (     )9. A. Everybody (     )10. A. big (     )11. A. gave up (     )12. A. best (     )13. A. Luckily (     )14. A. find (     )15. A. cut B. baby B. feet B. poor B. laughed B. easy B. if B. found B. shop B. Nobody B. small B. picked up B. warmest B. Quickly B. show B. washed C. doctor C. ears C. weak C. talked C. happy C. that C. caught C. hospital C. Anyone C. successful C. wrote down C. safest C. Slowly C. prove C. touched D. father D. nose D. lost D. cried D. busy D. which D. drawn D. zoo D. Someone D. unsuccessful D. got down D. darkest D. Politely D. learn D. kept


【单选题】禁止在实行火葬的地区出售棺材等( )。
