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Listen to the passage again, fill in the following 10 blanks with the words you hear and complete the passage. “Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is , and the thing is the right thing” as Oscar Wilde puts it. Too many of us take the beauty that surrounds us or within us for 1 ( ) , and we ually end up with sadness and depression. The following are four steps to get your life to become more 2 ( ) . Let go off the need to compare your life to others’. It’s really easy sometimes to look at other people and see their lives with envy. Envy is a very bad 3 ( ) that we all need to get over. Life is not a contest so stay present and 4 ( ) your own dreams. Be grateful for what you have, for what you 5 ( ) then grows in value. See yourself as your largest investment. The more time and effort you invest in yourself, the more you 6 ( ) . When you stop caring about your body, your health and your relationships, all the good falls away. When the sun is shining, exercise out. People who spend time exercising 7 ( ) also can improve their 8 ( ) health since they are surrounded by more trees, grass, sky and water which helps 9 ( ) the mind. Let go off being perfect. There is no need to be anybody but yourself. So don’t put a 10 ( ) on your body or life. It is important to bear in mind you are still wonderful no matter what.
