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Text 4
is one of the most difficult things to define, yet wars are fought to secure it. Pres. George W. Bush wants for the entire world, but the question remains whether some might not want it and, if they do, cannot handle it. Many desire to be "free of their ," for the latter requires assuming responsibility for one’s actions. It is easier to have others choose for us.
has many meanings arid applications. There is political , involving the ability to choose one’s own form of government, hold elections, etc. Professors are concerned with academic , namely to teach and publish in accord with their scholarly findings. These, though, are secondary meanings and presumably are grounded in something fundamental to the nature of humans. This is called moral —but there’s the rub of it. Is such an illusion One cannot ignore Sigmund Freud’s massive unconscious as a factor in why we act the way we do. Moreover, psychological literature suggests" obsessive-compulsive" acts as more commonplace than we realize. Alcoholics and drug addicts are told they cannot help themselves; instead, they need others to help them break their habit. Let’s face it, we seem to be evolving into a "no fault" society in which is an empty term.
It certainly is easy to rationalize that this or that action really was not free, as one can say we are the product of our genes, passions, and culture. But Jean-Paul Sartre disagreed that is an illusion, claiming instead that it is the very essence of man. is a human’s distinguishing mark. Essentially, a human is no-thing, and therein lies his .
Although may not be an illusion, in many cases it is illusory. Is it true to say piously (虔诚地) that the cure for any ills in democracy is more democracy, i.e. The Patriot Act certainly raises many hackles as an infringement (侵犯) on ; trading civil liberties for security—part of a seemingly continuing trend in society. How strong is the argument that if we are not free, then laws and prohibitions make no sense Does knowledge, a seemingly necessary component involved in free acts, restrict or enlarge our The Socratic position is that, if one really knew what was right, one would do what was right.
Moslems maintain that it is the "will of Allah" that governs all things and we only can hope to conform to it. This is not entirely foreign to Christian theology. The problem of predestination is a formidable one challenging , maintaining as it does that, even before creation.
Like most dilemmas posed by philosophy, perhaps it should be taken with reserve: "All arguments," concluded 19th-century philosopher and psychologist William James, "are against ; all experience is for it."
which of the following is the best title for this text

Is an Illusion
Are We Bounded by the Absolute
Are Birds Free from the Chains of the Skyway
Arguments against while experience for it.

【单选题】Freedom is one of the most difficult things to define, yet wars are fought to secure it. Pres. George W. Bush wants freedom for the entire world, but the question remains whether some might not want i...

Is Freedom an Illusion
Are We Bounded by the Absolute Freedom
Are Birds Free from the Chains of the Skyway
Arguments against Freedom while experience for it.

【单选题】Text 4 Freedom is one of the most difficult things to define, yet wars are fought to secure it. Pres. George W. Bush wants freedom for the entire world, but the question remains whether ...

Alcoholics abstain from alcohol because they know it is harmful to their health.
Someone who repeatedly washes his hands because he believes that they are dirty.
While thinking, many children put their forefinger into their mouth without knowing it.
Some drag addicts pick up their habit again soon after being off it under the help of others.

【单选题】Freedom is one of the most difficult things to define, yet wars are fought to secure it. Pres. George W. Bush wants freedom for the entire world, but the question remains whether some might not want i...

Is Freedom an Illusion
Are We Bounded by the Absolute Freedom
Are Birds Free from the Chains of the Skyway
Arguments against Freedom while experience for it.