In addition to his theory of colour, Newton developed a theory of how light travels. This is known as the corpuscular (微粒子的) theory of light, meaning that light travels as a series of tiny bits rather than of continuing waves. Newton sent his writings about light to the Royal society, where they were given to a committee led by Hooke. Since the corpuscular theory was different from his own theory, Hooke attacked the paper. Soon other started to argue, and Hooke was supported by a scientist from Holland, Christian Huygens. At one time, Newton was so unhappy with the whole affair that he decided never again to publish any of his work.
The bitter argument continued over the years that followed. At first, Hooke and Huygens received most of the support. Later Newton had changed his mind and let his work on gravity be published, he became so famous that things changed. Now people believed Newton could do nothing, wrong, and for a hundred years they followed his theory. Then, in the early part of the 19th century, the experiments of a French scientist, Augisting Frsned, showed that light could be explained best by a wave theory. So the scientists changed sides again, saying that Newton’ s idea had delayed scientific progress tor a hundred years.
Strangely enough, the presently accepted theory of light combines some of the ideas of both theories. This is known as the quantum (量子) theory and results from the work of such 20th century scientists as Albert Einstein and Max Planck. The quantum theory assumes that light is given off as separate "packages" of energy. Each "packages" of light, or quanta of energy as they are called, are given off at such a rapid rate that there is no great gap between them.
The quantum theory seems to explain the actions of light better than either of the two earlier theories. However, for many purposes, the wave theory is good enough. So it is used most often to explain light. But who is to say that new experiments and other scientists of our own time or in the future may not provide an even better theory There is certainly still much work to be done with light and colour.
Why were the scientists who said Newton’s ideas had delayed the scientific progress wrong()
In addition to his theory of colour, Newton developed a theory of how light travels. This is known as the corpuscular (微粒子的) theory of light, meaning that light travels as a series of tiny bits rather than of continuing waves. Newton sent his writings about light to the Royal society, where they were given to a committee led by Hooke. Since the corpuscular theory was different from his own theory, Hooke attacked the paper. Soon other started to argue, and Hooke was supported by a scientist from Holland, Christian Huygens. At one time, Newton was so unhappy with the whole affair that he decided never again to publish any of his work.
The bitter argument continued over the years that followed. At first, Hooke and Huygens received most of the support. Later Newton had changed his mind and let his work on gravity be published, he became so famous that things changed. Now people believed Newton could do nothing, wrong, and for a hundred years they followed his theory. Then, in the early part of the 19th century, the experiments of a French scientist, Augisting Frsned, showed that light could be explained best by a wave theory. So the scientists changed sides again, saying that Newton’ s idea had delayed scientific progress tor a hundred years.
Strangely enough, the presently accepted theory of light combines some of the ideas of both theories. This is known as the quantum (量子) theory and results from the work of such 20th century scientists as Albert Einstein and Max Planck. The quantum theory assumes that light is given off as separate "packages" of energy. Each "packages" of light, or quanta of energy as they are called, are given off at such a rapid rate that there is no great gap between them.
The quantum theory seems to explain the actions of light better than either of the two earlier theories. However, for many purposes, the wave theory is good enough. So it is used most often to explain light. But who is to say that new experiments and other scientists of our own time or in the future may not provide an even better theory There is certainly still much work to be done with light and colour.