logo - 刷刷题

Look up the words listed below in a dictionary and fill in the following blanks with them in proper forms. security paramount essential toiletry trash attendant convenience scrub carpet quality 1. He examined the _______of the furniture carefully . 2. If you need anything, just ring for the_______. 3. Concentration is _______if you want to do a good job. 4. The Smiths are living in peace and_______. 5. I usually buy snacks at the __________store. 6 . Permanent white _______ can do great damage to the environment. 7. It is widely applied in medical and healthcare area, as well as _______products. 8. Our living room is covered with a _______. 9. MGM(米高梅公司), _______and Columbia(哥伦比亚公司)are all majors in film industry. 10. Although she _______the old pot thoroughly,she could not make it look completely clean.
