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Each day of Earth Week, for example, has been given over to a separate environmental issue. They are, (31) , energy efficiency, re-cycling, water (32) , alternative transportation, pollutant information and outdoor (33) . Each one, as you can see, is wholly concerned with human problems, human systems, human safety and (34) how (American) humans can go on living (35) the same material level over the long haul (36) messing things up for them-selves. (37) on that list is there any consideration of what are thought to be animals (or trees or rivers) rights; nowhere any regard for the ongoing (38) of species caused by humans; nowhere a (39) for the countless other species that are being (40) daily by the destruction and poisoning of habitats; nowhere any thought given to the (41) of the natural systems of the living earth and learning to live in them as the first people did. (42) all, nowhere on the list is there found any consideration of wilderness, of the need for a healthy earth to have places where humans don’t (43) , where the full complexity and diversity of life are allowed to (44) unaffectedly. All that the Earth Day people can see is something called "just think of the (45) " of "outdoors", and all they can think of doing there is human "recreation".
The reason that is important is that (46) the human understands itself as a species "reapplies for membership in the biosphere", as the eco-historian Thomas Berry has (47) it, "it will never stop treating the earth and its treasures (resources) as the rightful food for its omnivorous maw (杂食性动物的胃), will never stop acting as if it owns the earth and has the right of control (48) its species". This is a matter of passing laws or double-panning windows; this is a deep reordering of values, a new (and very’ old) way of understanding the earth and its species as sacred, an ecological (49) that go right to the heart of our lives. Without it no (50) changes will come, or last.
