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Obtaining good health insurance is a real necessity while you are studying overseas. It protects you from minor and major medical expenses that can wipe out not only your savings but your dreams of an education abroad. There are often two different types of health insurance you can consider buying, international travel insurance and student insurance in the country where you will be going.
An international travel insurance is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad. It generally covers a wide variety of medical services and you are often given a list of doctors in the area where you will travel who may even speak your native language. The drawback might be that you may not get your money back immediately, in other words, you may have to pay all you medical expenses and then later submit your receipts to the insurance company.
On the other hand, getting student health insurance in the country where you will study might allow you to only pay a small percentage of the medical cost at the time of the service and thus you don’t have to have sufficient cash to pay the entire bill at once. Whatever you decide, obtaining some form of health insurance is something you should consider before you go overseas. You shouldn’t wait until you are sick with a major medical bills to pay off.


Obtaining good health insurance is a real necessity while you are studying overseas. It protects you from minor and major medical expenses that can wipe out not only your savings but your dreams of an education abroad. There are often two different types of health insurance you can consider buying, international travel insurance and student insurance in the country where you will be going.
An international travel insurance is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad. It generally covers a wide variety of medical services and you are often given a list of doctors in the area where you will travel who may even speak your native language. The drawback might be that you may not get your money back immediately, in other words, you may have to pay all you medical expenses and then later submit your receipts to the insurance company.
On the other hand, getting student health insurance in the country where you will study might allow you to only pay a small percentage of the medical cost at the time of the service and thus you don’t have to have sufficient cash to pay the entire bill at once. Whatever you decide, obtaining some form of health insurance is something you should consider before you go overseas. You shouldn’t wait until you are sick with a major medical bills to pay off.


【单选题】取收缩变形量的经验系数ψs=0.8,则该地基土的收缩变形量为()。 A.3280mm B.3400mm C.120mm D.3520mm


【单选题】The best way to keep yourself from getting colds is(). A.to keep yourself clean B.to use a disinfectant soap C.to take two aspirins every day D.to drink lots of water

You can’t beat it, but you don’t have to join it. Maybe it got the name common cold because it’s more common in winter. The fact is, though, being cold doesn’t have anything to do with getting one. Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses, and, at least so far, medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one.
Children are the most common way cold viruses are spread to adults, because they have more colds than adults—an average of about eight per year. Why do kids seem so much more easily to get colds than their parents Simple. They haven’t had the opportunity to become immune to many cold viruses.
There are more than 150 different cold viruses, and you never have the same one twice. Being infected by one makes you immune to it—but only it.
Colds are usually spread by direct contact, not sneezing or coughing. From another person’s hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the most common route. The highest concentration of cold viruses anywhere is found under the thumbnails of a boy, although the viruses can survive for hours on skin or other smooth surfaces.
Hygiene is your best defense. Wash your hands frequently preferably with a disinfectant soap, especially when children in your household have colds.
But even careful hygiene won’t ward off every cold. So, what works when a coughing, sneezing, runny nose strikes
The old prescription of two aspirins, lots of water, and bed rest is a good place to start. But you’ll also find some of the folk remedies… worth using. Hot mixtures of sugar (or honey), lemon, and water have real benefits.

【单选题】The Lakers’ forward Kobe Bryant has scored 50 or more points in four straight games, second in the NBA only to Wilt Chamberlain’s seven. He also now is tied with Michael Jordan for second with four be...

Dirk Nowitzki or Steve Nash have chance to win the MVP award.
Bryant is the best player in the league from his scoring brilliance.
Bryant and Jordan have more similarity in basketball.
Not referred in this passage.