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(2013·南通模拟) “It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!”says Englishtown _____ Ellen Rema.Ellen began to learn English at the age of 50,and in just a few years,she has made ____ progress! Ellen chose to study at Englishtown because no evening classes were ____ in the German countryside where she lives.At Englishtown,she joins ____ classes online and speaks with live native Englishspeaking teachers. “Englishtown is a wonderful place to ____,”she says.“My son always says,mom,you are a bit ___.He cannot understand why I spend so many hours studying,____ love it,I do it for myself.” In 2001,Ellen began with the first level of Englishtown and quickly ____.“I spent hours and hours studying.”she said.“Maybe I wanted too much in a short time.I finished all my ___ after 2 years,but noticed I still had ____ difficulties.” Instead of ____,she chose to press on.After four years at Englishtown,she's still studying in the online classroom,but now to perfect her already ____ English,she has set new ____ for herself and ___ understanding grammar points. “Studying online is never ____,but you need selfdiscipline,selfmotivation and staying power,”she says.“If you really want to learn,never quit even when you notice difficulties or when you think there is no____.Practice,practice,practice!” Ellen says studying English isn't all about hard work.It should also be ____!“I really like the online conversation classrooms,”she says.“I have learned so much about other cultures and traditions.I'm open for all____.” Ellen has been able to ____ her English to use by visiting England five times!“I'm very thankful to Englishtown because most of the English I know now was learned here,”Ellen says.“My life has ____ with Englishtown.” 小题1: A.professor B.friend C.student D.reporter 小题2: A.amazing B.challenging C.discouraging D.disturbing 小题3: A.satisfied B.offered C.attended D.represented 小题4: A.conversation B.composition C.listening D.reading 小题5: A.live B.eat C.entertain D.study 小题6: A.crazy B.tired C.worried D.attractive 小题7: A.though B.but C.while D.when 小题8: A.dropped B.brushed C.awarded D.progressed 小题9: A.channels B.schedules C.courses D.papers 小题10: A.comprehending B.reading C.grammar D.vocabulary 小题11: A.fighting back B.giving up C.turning away D.looking around 小题12: A.significant B.shabby C.broken D.excellent 小题13: A.goals B.decisions C.means D.conclusions 小题14: A.turns off B.gets off C.focuses on D.puts up 小题15: A.interesting B.boring C.shocking D.unwilling 小题16: A.vision B.success C.struggle D.tendency 小题17: A.fun B.waste C.weakness D.wonder 小题18: A.measures B.topics C.timetables D.fashions 小题19: A.take B.set C.make D.put 小题20: A.ruined B.started C.changed D.turned


【单选题】南通地铁企业哲学( )


【单选题】[南通卷]下列各组中,加点字读音有错的一组是( )

漫溯(sù)      夔州(kuí)      作坊(zuò)      冷炙(jiù)
拗开(ǎo)      辗转(zhǎn)     眼翳(yì)       巷道(hànɡ)
攻讦(jié)     媲美(pì)       炽热(chì)      草莽(mǎnɡ)
梁枋(fānɡ)    枕藉(jiè)      瞋视(chēn)     踌躇(chú)