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Who will move the table

The man.
The woman.
Both the peopl

【单选题】35(). A.at B.to C.on D.from

Traveling can be fun and easy. A vacation trip to another country is especially (21) when the traveling conditions are good. Good traveling conditions (22) a comfortable mode of transportation, knowledge of the (23) language, familiarity (24) the custom and habits of the people in the country, and pleasant traveling (25) . All of us have had nice trips (26) this.
Most of us have also had trips that we would (27) to forget. Many conditions can produce a bad (28) experience. For example, if the four conditions (29) above do not exist, we will probably have a bad experience, (30) at best difficult (31) . Students who travel to a (32) country to study often have a difficult trip. They usually travel (33) . They don’t know the language of the new country (34) . They often arrive in the new country (35) a judge international airport. From the airport, they need to (36) their way to their school. Maybe they need to (37) airplanes, to take a bus, a train, or a taxi. They need to do ail this in a country (38) everything is unfamiliar. Later, after the experience is (39) , they can laugh. But at the (40) , they feel terrible.

【单选题】What happened to the woman() A.She lost her money. B.She lost her way. C.She was robbed. D.She was kidnapped.

M: Good morning, madam. I know that you have been robbed.
W: Yes, I have.
M: When did this happen
W: About two hours ago.
M: Why didn’t you report it before
W: I couldn’t. I was bound and gagged.
M: Would you like to tell me what happened
W: Yes. I was sitting in this room watching television when someone knoeked at the door. Without thinking, I opened it.
M: That wasn’t very wise, madam.
W: I know. I was expecting my husband, you see, and I thought it was him.
M: You should never open a door without looking to see who it is.
W: Yes, I know. I regret it very much.
M: What happened
W: Two men pushed me into the flat. One of them threatened me with a knife while the other bound and gagged me.
M: Did you get a good look at them
W: I’m afraid not. They were both wearing stockings over their faces.
M: What did they take
W: My wallet, which has 200 dollars in it, my wristwatch, some of my jewelry from our bedroom, and a silver photo frame.
M: They don’t seem to have done much damage to the flat.
W: No. They had just begun to search when the dogs next door began to bark. They ran off quickly leaving me bound and gagged. It was some time before my husband returned and released me. I phoned the police at once.
M: The policeman began searching the area as soon as we received your call. I can’t promise you that we’ll recover your property but we’ll certainly do our best.

【单选题】According to the essay, you may have a cold because(). A.the weather is too cold B.the spread of rhinoviruses gets people infected C.another person’s coughing passes the cold to you D.you wash your ha...

You can’t beat it, but you don’t have to join it. Maybe it got the name common cold because it’s more common in winter. The fact is, though, being cold doesn’t have anything to do with getting one. Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses, and, at least so far, medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one.
Children are the most common way cold viruses are spread to adults, because they have more colds than adults—an average of about eight per year. Why do kids seem so much more easily to get colds than their parents Simple. They haven’t had the opportunity to become immune to many cold viruses.
There are more than 150 different cold viruses, and you never have the same one twice. Being infected by one makes you immune to it—but only it.
Colds are usually spread by direct contact, not sneezing or coughing. From another person’s hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the most common route. The highest concentration of cold viruses anywhere is found under the thumbnails of a boy, although the viruses can survive for hours on skin or other smooth surfaces.
Hygiene is your best defense. Wash your hands frequently preferably with a disinfectant soap, especially when children in your household have colds.
But even careful hygiene won’t ward off every cold. So, what works when a coughing, sneezing, runny nose strikes
The old prescription of two aspirins, lots of water, and bed rest is a good place to start. But you’ll also find some of the folk remedies… worth using. Hot mixtures of sugar (or honey), lemon, and water have real benefits.

【单选题】20() A.hangs on B.takes on C.spends on D.goes on

These are tough times for Wal-Mart, America’s biggest retailer. Long accused of (1) small-town America mad condemned for the selfishness of its pay, the company has lately come under (2) for its meanness over employees’ health-care benefits. The charge is arguably (3) : the firm’s health coverage, while (4) less extensive than the average for big companies, is on equal terms (5) other retailers’. But bad publicity, coupled with rising costs, has (6) the Bentonville giant to action. WalMart is making changes that should shift the ground in America’s healthcare debate.
One (7) is to reduce the prices of many generic, or out-of-patent, prescription drugs. Wal-Mart’s critics dismiss the move as a publicity (8) . The list of drugs includes only 143 different medicines and excludes many popular group. True, but short-sighted. Wal-Mart has (9) retailing by using its size to squeeze suppliers and (10) the gains on to consumers. It could (11) the same with drugs. A "Wal-Mart effect" in drugs will not solve America’s health-costs problem: group account for only a small share of drug costs, which in turn make (12) only 10% of overall health spending. But it would (13) .
The firm’s other initiative is more (14) . Wal-Mart is joining the small but fast-growing group of employers (15) are controlling costs by shifting to health insurance with high deductibles.
Early evidence (16) these plans do help firms control the cost of health insurance. But critics say that the savings are (17) . They argue that the plans shift costs to sicker workers, discourage preventative care and will anyway do little to (18) overall health spending, (19) most of the $2 trillion that America (20) health care each year goes to people with multiple chronic diseases.