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Success is in the details Para 1 Before l start, I ask you to imagine a scene. You have been assigned by your boss to make a presentation about your recent project, and you are determined to make it a success. After all, it's a great chance for you to showcase yourself and catch attention. You sit up all night preparing for it. The next day, when you arrive at the meeting room, you see it’s filled with expectant audience - your colleagues, supervisors, and boss. Your presentation is all ready to go. You feel good. As you begin your PowerPoint presentation, you can even visualize the celebrating crowds in your office. Para 2 Then suddenly, you notice a silence. You wonder why. As you turn to look at your PowerPoint screen, you are hit by the spelling errors on it! You feel bad. Throughout the whole presentation, you are embarrassed and apologize each time a spelling error occurs.The presentation turns out to be a failure. Para 3 In real life, people want to succeed in things they do. So, they make every effort to grasp the big things. They assume that as long as they take care of the big things, everything else will fall into place on its own. But that simply is not the case. While the big things are important, success lies actually a lot in the minute details. Countless examples have proved that once you learn to perfect the little things, you have put yourself on the path to success. Para 4 You can never deny that the most important things in life start small. Mountains are but a collection of tiny grains of sand. Humans and animals start as microscopic cells. Revolutions and great inventions begin as ideas. Without these small thigs, nothing big will come into existence. Para 5 Y ou can never deny either that small acts of kindness, as a smile, a word of thanks or feedback to someone can have a positive impact on others and will in turn affect your level of success. Saying “hello”, “thank you”, “may I help you” and “have a nice day” are all small gestures of kindness. Yet for many shoppers, it is these small friendly gestures that will make them remember your store. Para 6 You will definitely agree that job seekers, no matter how qualified they are, need to ensure that they have accurate and error-free resumes to win a chance to be interviewed. Retailers, no matter what premium ( 高品质的 ) goods they have, must ensure that their display of goods and strategies of customer engagement will encourage return visits. Food products, no matter how tasty they are, must look appealing in groceries and restaurants to attract repeat customers. Para 7 You may also have realized that the success of a marriage or relationship comes from your daily endeavor to offer a small and unexpected gesture of love, respect, and appreciation to your special someone. These little things will go a long way in building a strong relationship, and will surely eliminate most of the complaints your partner might put forth. Para 8 In a word, greatness is often wrapped in essential smallness. Neglect of little details deprives us of the chance to succeed. As Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple Inc., said, “Everything is important- that success is in the details.” We need to take care of the big things, such as setting a clear goal for ourselves or our organizations, and establishing strategic plans. But we cannot ignore the little things because it is they that will multiply our success.
