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Over 1 billion people lack adequate housing. These people are found in every country of the world and, indeed, in almost every community. In some cases, they don’t even have a roof over their heads. The problem is huge. Does this mean there is nothing that can be done
According to the people at Habitat (住处) for Humanity International (HFHI), there is plenty that can be done. HFHI was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, millionaires who decided their money could best be spent helping people. Since then, HFHI has helped fix and build homes for tens of thousands of people in the United States and over 30 other countries.
HFHI believes that the homes should not be given as charity; instead, the organization follows a system known as partnership housing: The people who will live in the homes work together with volunteers on the construction and then gradually pay off the basic cost of the homes.
These payments, together with contributions, enable HFHI to help other people.
Throughout the world, the number of people who lack housing: (46) .
HFHI stands for: (47) .
The founders of HFHI: two (48) .
The purpose of HFHI: help people (49) .
The system by which HFHI offers help: through (50) .

Over 1 billion people lack adequate housing. These people are found in every country of the world and, indeed, in almost every community. In some cases, they don’t even have a roof over their heads. The problem is huge. Does this mean there is nothing that can be done
According to the people at Habitat (住处) for Humanity International (HFHI), there is plenty that can be done. HFHI was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, millionaires who decided their money could best be spent helping people. Since then, HFHI has helped fix and build homes for tens of thousands of people in the United States and over 30 other countries.
HFHI believes that the homes should not be given as charity; instead, the organization follows a system known as partnership housing: The people who will live in the homes work together with volunteers on the construction and then gradually pay off the basic cost of the homes.
These payments, together with contributions, enable HFHI to help other people.
Throughout the world, the number of people who lack housing: (46) .
HFHI stands for: (47) .
The founders of HFHI: two (48) .
The purpose of HFHI: help people (49) .
The system by which HFHI offers help: through (50) .50()

Over 1 billion people lack adequate housing. These people are found in every country of the world and, indeed, in almost every community. In some cases, they don’t even have a roof over their heads. The problem is huge. Does this mean there is nothing that can be done
According to the people at Habitat (住处) for Humanity International (HFHI), there is plenty that can be done. HFHI was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, millionaires who decided their money could best be spent helping people. Since then, HFHI has helped fix and build homes for tens of thousands of people in the United States and over 30 other countries.
HFHI believes that the homes should not be given as charity; instead, the organization follows a system known as partnership housing: The people who will live in the homes work together with volunteers on the construction and then gradually pay off the basic cost of the homes.
These payments, together with contributions, enable HFHI to help other people.
Throughout the world, the number of people who lack housing: (46) .
HFHI stands for: (47) .
The founders of HFHI: two (48) .
The purpose of HFHI: help people (49) .
The system by which HFHI offers help: through (50) .


【单选题】以下住处与主人搭配不恰当的是 ___________ 。

潇湘馆 林黛玉
秋爽斋 惜春
怡红院 贾宝玉
稻香村 李纨





【单选题】问题4 单选 Beginning college is exciting: new ideas to explore,new challenges to be met and many decisions to be made. Your future begins here.However,you will find college life is different from your pre...

C ollege life is a little different from your previous school environment.
You can always depend on your memory.
Most of us can benifit a lof from other students who have experiences of college life earlier than you do.
There is no need to pay every time you have to repeat or replace a course.