logo - 刷刷题

I. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. supply divide impact require dedicate bless with conserve desire continue isolate replenish 1. We will effectively ________________ resources and protect the environment. 2. How will the war _______________ on his generation? 3.The question is can they ______________ to do that if you run out of money. 4. The teacher ____________the class and took one section to the library and left the other to write an article. 5. In biotechnology we use enzymes that we _____________from nature to link together pieces of DNA in the same manner that occurs in nature. 6. All students are ____________ to have a medical examination. 7. As generally known, china has__been blessed with__________natural resources, which equip it with good conditions for the development of its industry and agriculture. 8. They have __replenished ___themselves in a seaside sanatorium( 疗养院 ) for two weeks. 9. "The real challenge is matching —————— with demand," Jacobson says. 10. He ________________ himself to conserving our natural resources.
