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Harry and Meghan, the vows you are about to take are to be 1 the presence of God who is judgeful and knows all the 2 hearts. Therefor, if 3 you knows a reason why you may not lawfully marry, you must 4 now. 2 . A lot of things can be beautiful: landscapes, faces, 5 , or 6 , stars in the sky, or simply the 7 the sun 8 empty bottle. 3. 9 is 10 many fields, 11 though medical applications like GM insulin( 胰岛素 )are widely accepted, The debate 12 when it comes to food and agriculture. 4 . In the 1990s, the papaya( 木瓜 ) industry in Hawaii was under attack from the ringspot( 植物环斑病 )virus which threatened to 13 Hawaiian papaya. The solution was a papaya genetically modified to be vaccinated against the virus. 14 , the state’s papaya industry would have collapsed. 5 During September, the Arctic 15 also reached its lowest extent ever, and much of the perennial 15 , ice that last longer 16 year, has declined since 1984.
