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I was always complaining about wind or rain.1 it was nothing unusual for the arrival of wind or rain,
it caused inconvenience for me to go out, and sometimes it even created an awful atmosphere, so I2 it
On a rainy day a meteorologist (气象学家) I met was very3 at my great anger caused by rain that
made a little inconvenience for me.
He asked, 'Have you ever seen typhoon? Do you know what would happen to the world if there
were no typhoon?' I shook my head. I had no4 of how overwhelming it was when it5 everything
away in its way.
'Well, let me tell you,' the meteorologist said. 'Without it the6 of fresh water will be more serious,
for it is a great7 of water supply on earth, Without it, there would be a greater imbalance in the
distribution of8 . The equatorial area that receives the most sunshine on earth9 entirely on typhoon
to disperse(驱散)heat. Without typhoon the tropics would be even10 while the frigid zones much
colder. As a result the temperate zones would11 from the world...'
Ignorance made me12 . I disliked wind only because it ruffled (吹乱) my hair. I hated rain merely
because I had to carry an umbrella. But I had no idea at all that typhoon-something much more violent,
something a thousand times more13 than wind or rain-was a14 to the existence of mankind.
15no road on earth goes all the way on level ground, there's no person in the world who can do
whatever he pleases.16 as it is for people to guard against typhoon, it is advisable for a man to stop
17for a moment before he complains. '18 disappeared all together? What would the world become
then?' The19 will keep him calm and lead him closer to truth---he will be better20of the world he
lives in.
( )1. A. But
( )2. A. refused
( )3. A. excited
( )4. A. experience
( )5. A. washed
( )6. A. shortage
( )7. A. resource
( )8. A. warmth
( )9. A. holds
( )10. A. warmer
( )11. A. disappear
( )12. A. farsighted
( )13. A. appealing
( )14. A. trouble
( )15. A. Since
( )16. A. Impossible
( )17. A. thinking
( )18. A. How come
( )19. A. theories
( )20. A. carefulB. Therefore
B. blamed
B. puzzled
B. sign
B. frightened
B. supply
B. power
B. energy
B. keeps
B. hotter
B. move
B. out of sight
B. frightening
B. er
B. As
B. Wrong
B. to think
B. What about
B. answers
B. kind C. Although
C. punished
C. encouraged
C. sense
C. swung
C. amount
C. strength
C. water
C. moves
C. cooler
C. escape
C. in sight
C. disturbing
C. must
C. When
C. Hard
C. to rest
C. What if
C. phenomena
C. awareD. Unless
D. fought
D. delighted
D. recognition
D. swept
D. waste
D. source
D. wealth
D. depends
D. better
D. remove
D. shortsighted
D. exciting
D. lead
D. While
D. Easy
D. resting
D. Even if
D. complaints
D. tired
