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Jay Chou is a popular singer around the world now. He looks very cool 46 his songs sound beautiful. He is 47 with agers. Jay Chou was born 48 January the 18th, 1979 in Taiwan. As a little boy, he showed great interest in music. His mother asked a teacher 49 him to play 50 piano when he was 3 years old. He also learned to play other musical 51 like the guitar and cello (大提琴). When he was 13 years old, his parents got divorced (离婚). Jay felt sad. He often 52 his time listening to music. During this time, he wrote his first song. Jay’s first job was a waiter in a restaurant. Then he began to write songs for 53 singers. Many of the songs became popular, but nobody knew Jay wrote 54 at that time. In 2000, Jay’s first album (唱片集) came out. To everyone’s surprise, it was a great 55 . With his second album, Jay was among one of the stars. 小题1: A.if B.when C.and D.or 小题2: A.exciting B.creative C.interesting D.popular 小题3: A.in B.on C.at D.from 小题4: A.teach B.taught C.teaches D.to teach 小题5: A.the B.an C.a D./ 小题6: A.programs B.information C.instruments D.science 小题7: A.enjoyed B.spent C.took D.found 小题8: A.other B.the other C.others D.the others 小题9: A.it B.them C.him D.us 小题10: A.success B.problem C.future D.competition
