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With this exciting computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) course you’ll gain much needed information about the advancements in tools and techniques that are rapidly occurring in the manufacturing environment. You’ ll study the workstation concept, hardware, software, the cost parameters associated with CAD/CAM, numerically controlled machinery, data communications and intelt machines.
You’ll also learn about robotics (遥控学), factory management, and manufacturer’s auto mated protocol (自动协议). Other related areas you’ ll be interested in include advanced CAM systems, local area networks, process planning, and material requirements planning.
But the highlight of your experience will be the seven on desk experiments. For these, you’ ll use the included Auto CAD software to make and modify CAD drawings, create symbols, zoom (变焦) in to show microscopic detail and zoom out for a macroscopic overview (全景) -- the perfect way to develop skills in computer-aided design.
The experiments require a Heath/Zenith or IBM PC compatible computer equipped with 290k RAM, two 5" disk drives (磁盘驱动器), and CGA video capability.
CAM is the short form for (46) .
In the course, you’ll know the advancements in tools and techniques in the (47) environment.
The seven on-desk experiments will be the (48) of your experience in the course.
CAD drawing can be made and modified by using the (49) .
The type of computer needed for the on-desk experiments is a Heath/Zenith or IBM (50) computer.

With this exciting computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) course you’ll gain much needed information about the advancements in tools and techniques that are rapidly occurring in the manufacturing environment. You’ ll study the workstation concept, hardware, software, the cost parameters associated with CAD/CAM, numerically controlled machinery, data communications and intelt machines.
You’ll also learn about robotics (遥控学), factory management, and manufacturer’s auto mated protocol (自动协议). Other related areas you’ ll be interested in include advanced CAM systems, local area networks, process planning, and material requirements planning.
But the highlight of your experience will be the seven on desk experiments. For these, you’ ll use the included Auto CAD software to make and modify CAD drawings, create symbols, zoom (变焦) in to show microscopic detail and zoom out for a macroscopic overview (全景) -- the perfect way to develop skills in computer-aided design.
The experiments require a Heath/Zenith or IBM PC compatible computer equipped with 290k RAM, two 5" disk drives (磁盘驱动器), and CGA video capability.
CAM is the short form for (46) .
In the course, you’ll know the advancements in tools and techniques in the (47) environment.
The seven on-desk experiments will be the (48) of your experience in the course.
CAD drawing can be made and modified by using the (49) .
The type of computer needed for the on-desk experiments is a Heath/Zenith or IBM (50) computer.46()

With this exciting computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) course you’ll gain much needed information about the advancements in tools and techniques that are rapidly occurring in the manufacturing environment. You’ ll study the workstation concept, hardware, software, the cost parameters associated with CAD/CAM, numerically controlled machinery, data communications and intelt machines.
You’ll also learn about robotics (遥控学), factory management, and manufacturer’s auto mated protocol (自动协议). Other related areas you’ ll be interested in include advanced CAM systems, local area networks, process planning, and material requirements planning.
But the highlight of your experience will be the seven on desk experiments. For these, you’ ll use the included Auto CAD software to make and modify CAD drawings, create symbols, zoom (变焦) in to show microscopic detail and zoom out for a macroscopic overview (全景) -- the perfect way to develop skills in computer-aided design.
The experiments require a Heath/Zenith or IBM PC compatible computer equipped with 290k RAM, two 5" disk drives (磁盘驱动器), and CGA video capability.
CAM is the short form for (46) .
In the course, you’ll know the advancements in tools and techniques in the (47) environment.
The seven on-desk experiments will be the (48) of your experience in the course.
CAD drawing can be made and modified by using the (49) .
The type of computer needed for the on-desk experiments is a Heath/Zenith or IBM (50) computer.


【单选题】下列( )不是磁盘驱动器的主要技术指标。


