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阅读理解。 It was a Monday morning. As the teacher walked into the classroom, he heard a low voice (低声), 'Here's the teacher. I'm sure this boring fellow (家伙) is going to talk about how to use commas (逗号).' It was a boy's voice and the teacher knew who he was. However, the teacher didn't get angry. He said nothing about it, but really began to talk about how to use commas And then he wrote the following sentence on the blackboard, 'Nick says the teacher is a boring fellow.' The class laughed and Nick's face turned red. 'Now,' said the teacher, 'I'll tell you the importance of commas.' He put two commas in the sentence, and then read, 'Nick, says the teacher, is a boring fellow.' The whole class laughed again. Nick felt very surprised first, then his face much redder. Finally he couldn't help (情不自禁) laughing with the other students, too. 1. What subject did the teacher teach the students? [     ] A. Math B. English C. Music 2. What kind of boy was Nick like? [     ] A. A tall boy B. A healthy boy C. A funny boy 3. I think Nick liked to have ______ lessons. [     ] A. boring B. interesting C. no 4. 'Nick says the teacher is a boring fellow.' is ______ 'Nick says the teacher, is a boring fellow.' in the meaning. [     ] A. the same as B. kind of different from C. quite different from 5. What do you think of the teacher? He is very ______. [     ] A. boring B. good C. bad


【多选题】When you conduct an interpretation of findings, you should use major signposts to guide the reader carefully through your argument. Work with your partner and classify the major signposts in the box i...

However, our findings suggest that DT was significantly related to higher likelihood....C. Another possible explanation for this is that ….
We observed significant differences in drinking behaviors across the ethnic groups....
The findings are in line with existing literature based on youth....
One possible explanation for prevalence differences between the ethnic groups is....
We expected to find that FF would be more strongly associated with cigarette smoking....
Iwamoto et al. (2012) similarly found that Japanese and Filipino American young adults...
However, contrary to hypothesis, the relationship was negative in direction....J. It may also be that women with higher FF are engaging in....K. Although, these results differ from some published studies....L. Therefore, women in this study were significantly more likely to have....* SOURCE: Kane, J. C., et al. (2017). Differences in alcohol use patterns between adolescent Asian American ethnic groups: Representative estimates from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2002–2013. Addictive Behaviors, 64: 154-158. Copeland, A. L., et al. (2016). Fear of fatness and drive for thinness in predicting smoking status in college women. Addictive Behaviors, 54: 1-6.CategoriesMajor signposts1Major findings from the data.2Explanations for the findings.3Reference to previous research.4Alternative explanations for the findings.1. __________

【单选题】一般用于连接或转接词之间的逗号被称为 ?

Coordinator commas
Inserter Commas
Tag commas