You will hear five different business people talking about partnerships, one form of business. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the advantage of partnerships described from the list A—H. For Task Two, choose the disadvantage of partnerships from the list A—H. You will hear the recording twice. TASK ONE A. Incentive for key employees B. Ease of organization C. Direct control of business D. More specialized management E. Tax advantages F. Ease of closing G. Greater source of capital H. Share strength of other owners
特定领域软件架构(Domain Specific Software Achitecture,DSSA)是在一个特定应用领域中,为一组应用提供组织结构参考的标准软件体系结构。DSSA通常是一个具有三个层次的系统模型,包括()环境、领域特定应用开发环境和应用执行环境,其中()主要在领域特定应用开发环境中工作。