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The Development of Both HIV And Its Cure As the number of people infected (传染) with the —causing HIV rose to more than 14 million worldwide and as new research showed that in the U.S. one of every 92 young men may be infected, a cure for the disease still remained an elusive(令人困惑的) dream. To help slow the spread of HIV to infants, the CDC in July called for all pregnant(怀孕的) women to be tested for the virus(毒素). The recommendation (推荐) stemmed (发展) from a. study that found that the risk that an HIV-infected woman will pass the virus on to her unborn child is cut by two-thirds if the mother receives the drug azidothymidine ( AZT) during pregnancy. The year was also marked by the first official recognition (认可)that treating HIV-infected people with a combination(结合) of antiviral(抗毒素的) drugs is superior to treating them with only AZT, a drug that had been the gold standard of treatment since the late 1980s. At an international conference in Copenhagen, a pane(专门小组)of scientists recommended that patients with the virus receive combination therapy, although there was still no consensus (一致)on when in the course of the disease the drugs should be started. In December the FDA approved the first of a long-awaited new class of drugs, called protease inhibitors , Physicians emphasized, however, that the new drug, saquinavir, is not a cure and must be taken in combination with other drugs. A glimmer(微光)of hope for a cure came when a team from the University of Washington reported in November that a new drug, PMPA, pred monkeys from becoming infected by the monkey version of HIV even when the virus was injected(注射) directly into the animals. The year also provided the research community (界) , with a few more clues (线索) on how to attack HIV. In June researchers found that 70% of West African women infected with a slow-acting, less easily transmitted(传播)type of the virus were protected against infection by the faster-acting type, which was most common in the West. Earlier in the year hopes for lifesaving(救命的) treatments or vaccines (痘苗) were also bolstered (支持) by an intriguing(激起好奇心的)—and hotly debated—report that at least two children who had been born infected with the virus later became free of it. Despite the mammoth(巨大的) swath(长而宽的地带) of destruction(破坏) that has cut around the world since it first suced(升到水面) just 15 years ago, it took a much rarer(稀有的)—and much swifter(反应快的)—killer, the Ebola virus, to jolt (唤起) the public out of its complacency(自满) toward the threat of emerging infectious (感染性的) diseases. The CDC called on all pregnant women to be tested for HIV______.

because children will avoid being infected if the mother receives AZT during pregnancy
for two-thirds of the children have been infected with HIV
in order to pr the spread of HIV to infants
for the purpose of decreasing the risk of an HIV-infected mother passing HIV to her infants

