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A: It's nice to meet you. B: It's nice to meet you, too. A: Do you live near the school? B: No, I live ( ) (at / on / in) Tokyo. A: Oh, me too. I ( ) (do / ride / go) the subway to school every day. B: Me too. I like to listen ( ) (at / to / for) the radio on the subway. A: I ( ) (read / watch / look) sports magazines on the subway. Do you like sports? B: No, I'm not good ( ) (for / at / on) sports. I like to get together ( ) (with / over / to) friends. I also like to ( ) (look / watch / go) DVDs. A: Do you belong ( ) (with / in / to) the book club? B: Yes, I do. I'm also in the computer club. Do you ( ) (go / do / play) video s? A: Not really, but I want to ( ) (take / do / play) computer programming lessons.
