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I began to play the piano four years ago,I always remember my first piano performance.I remember that year,I was only nine years old,and but just to lean to play the piano a few months before. One day,my teacher told me there was ging to be a piano performance three weeks.When I heard the news,I felt very .But the teacher said,“You can make it.You have this piece of music many times,so you’ll play it well.And when the performance comes,I’am sure you’ll .”After hearing the teacher’s words,I felt confident about myself. After three weeks of hard practicing,the piece for the performance was fianlly .The night before the performance,I was so excited that I couldn’t stand still or sit down.When it was my to perform,I held my head high,went onto the stage,sat on the chair,quickly the song in my head,and lifted up my hands to play.In one breath,I played the piece from beginning to end and played it very pleasantly.Soon,a thunter of applause(雷鸣般的掌声) out in the concert hall.I felt very happy,and proud of ,yoo. That was my first piano performance and I will never forget it. 小题1: A.finished B.considered C.stopped D.started 小题2: A.in B.for C.on D.until 小题3: A.sleepy B.exhausted C.nervous D.energetic 小题4: A.pronounced B.provided C.produced D.practiced 小题5: A.suit B.succeed C.incersse D.interset 小题6: A.successful B.ready C.empty D.careful 小题7: A.ending B.turn C.entertainment D.challenge 小题8: A.went through B.made up C.came up with D.went off 小题9: A.looked B.took C.broke D.filled 小题10: A.me B.my C.myself D.mine
