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The expression "in this latter sense" in paragraph 2 refers to ()

A. human individuality as revealed in humans’ capacity to think and argue creatively
B. technical competence
C. human individuality shown in general skills
D. individuality shown through respect

Handwriting ysis (graphology) circumvents the law by frying to determine an employee’s traits (e. g. stability) according to some handwriting group stereotype to which he or she belongs. (Indeed, some graphologists have m little respect for the law and m much confidence in their stereotyping that they have proposed using the technique in lieu of court proceedings to identify and prosecute criminals!) The ysis works by comparing the speed, size, slant, form, pressure, layout, and continuity of an individual’s handwriting with various patterns and typologies, and assimilating this person’s script into these types. As a result the individual judged ceases to be an individual and becomes little more than a composite of traits. This end result differs little from judgments based on race, , religion, etc.
Granted, no individual is totally unique. Any evaluation of character, or for that matter skills, turns, in some measure, on employing generic ideas about virtue, vice, and technical competence. Still, there is a human individuality which manifests itself in our imagination and in the innovative arguments we choose to advance. Standardized handwriting ysis is far less respectful of individuality in this latter sense than other modes of screening. Individuals who are asked to write a personal essay describing their qualifications in their own terms; and who are given an opportunity in an interview to describe their motivations in seeking a particular job retain far more of what makes them distinctive. This more personalized format gives the individual an opportunity to express unusual or provocative opinions the employer may not have previously considered. Upon reflection, the employer may think these comments so pertinent that s/he awards the job to this candidate. Handwriting ysis, though, is ostensibly purely formal. It does not provide the candidate with any opportunity to distinguish himself or herself in this substantive fashion. At best, graphology will yield some vague assessment such as "the candidate is highly creative".
It is worth remembering what the driving force is behind graphological testing. Handwriting ysis, like automated telephone screening, is increasingly being used early in the hiring process because it purports to deliver salient, accurate information cheaply. Yet precisely because these techniques are standardized, the data has reduced value. Judgments about the precise relevance of some perceived character traits to a job are rarely straightforward. Good interviewers learn through training and through interaction itself to qualify previous judgments. Perhaps the candidate who fails to make eye contact has a guilty conscience (as it is standardly assumed). On the other hand, perhaps the candidate is a recent immigrant from a country where eye contact is considered rude. Alternate interpretations sometimes suggest themselves in a face-to-face encounter with individuals who are fully present in their living, acting, and speaking personhood. Handwriting ysis, done at a distance by an expert who has never even met the candidate, will not stimulate the evaluator’s imagination in the way the in-person interview 6r personal essay might. On the contrary, the cheapness of the technique stems from its elimination of the important human activity of hypothesizing about the case at hand.

【单选题】12() A. workers B. scholars C. artists D. players

This large city does almost no manufacturing and very little wholesale trade. Yet without the important service (1) provides, business everywhere would quickly grind to a (2) . Chaos would reign in all other leading cities. As you have guessed, the "product" we are talking about is government, and the city is the (3) of the United States, Washington, D. C. One out of every two persons (4) in the city works for the federal government.
Washington has many (5) . It leads the nation in level of education achieved by its residents. More than fifteen percent of its adults have had four years or more of college. (6) scientists can be found here than in any other city. Since larger incomes are earned by (7) people, Washington has the highest median income of any city.
Information is the vital force of the city. The Library of Congress (8) the largest and most comprehensive warehouse of information in the world. It contains 74 million items on hundreds of miles of (9) . In addition to books, these (10) include manuscripts, maps, photographs and documents. Papers of the Presidents all the way back to Washington are found here. The library is (11) to the public. It is considered by (12) to be one of the finest in the world. These people study the documents found in libraries.
Washington has many important governmental buildings and historic shrines. (13) include the Capitol building, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is (14) located here. This agency is responsible (15) putting new paper money into circulation. Tens of millions of dollars in money is (16) here every day.
Unlike most cities, which grow in jumbled masses, Washington was planned on paper (17) any of its buildings were erected. The planners incorporated broad open areas around the historic landmarks and buildings. As a result the city is (18) . The central part of the city (19) a huge green park with broad, tree-lined boulevards and splendid (20) of its great structures.

【单选题】Tuberculosis is highly infectious because () A. spores are resistant to drying B. the causative organism is encapsulated C. droplets of sputum remain infective for a long time due to the resistance of...

The vegetative forms of most bacteria axe killed by drying in air, although the different species exhibit pronounced differences in their resistance. The tubercle bacillus is one of the more resistant, and vibrio cholcra is one of the more sensitive to drying In general, the encapsulated organisms are more resistant than the non-encapsulated forms. Spores are quite resistant to drying; the spores of the anthrax bacillus, for example, will germinate alter remaining in a dry condition for years or more. The resistance of the pathogenic forms causing disease of the upper respiratory tract is of particular interest in connection with airborne infection, for the length of time that a droplet remains infective is a result, primarily, of the resistance of the particular microorganism to drying.

【单选题】79() A. used to get B. is used to get C. is used to getting D. use to get

Seventeen-year-old Quantae Williams doesn’t understand why the U. S. Supreme Court struck down his school district’s racial diversity program. He now (61) the prospect of leaving his mixed-race high school in suburban Louisville and (62) to the poor black downtown schools where he (63) in fights. "I’m doing (64) in town. They should just leave it the (65) it is," said Williams, using a fond nickname for suburban Jeffersontown High School, (66) he’s bused every day from his downtown neighborhood. "Everything is (67) , we get along well. If I go where all my friends go, I’ll start getting in trouble again," Williams said as he took a (68) from his summer job (69) clothing (70) for poor families.
Last month’s 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court struck down programs that were started voluntarily in Louisville and Seattle. The court’s decision has left schools (71) the country (72) to find a way to protect (73) in their classrooms. Critics have called the decision the biggest (74) to the ideals of the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education (75) , which outlawed racial segregation in U. S. public schools. With students already (76) to schools for the (77) year that begins in September, (78) will be immediately affected by the Supreme Court decision. In Jefferson County, officials said it could be two years (79) a new plan is (80) place, leaving most students in their current schools.

【单选题】77() A.after B.before C.since D.because

Seventeen-year-old Quantae Williams doesn’t understand why the U. S. Supreme Court struck down his school district’s racial diversity program. He now (61) the prospect of leaving his mixed-race high school in suburban Louisville and (62) to the poor black downtown schools where he (63) in fights. "I’m doing (64) in town. They should just leave it the (65) it is," said Williams, using a fond nickname for suburban Jeffersontown High School, (66) he’s bused every day from his downtown neighborhood. "Everything is (67) , we get along well. If I go where all my friends go, I’ll start getting in trouble again," Williams said as he took a (68) from his summer job (69) clothing (70) for poor families.
Last month’s 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court struck down programs that were started voluntarily in Louisville and Seattle. The court’s decision has left schools (71) the country (72) to find a way to protect (73) in their classrooms. Critics have called the decision the biggest (74) to the ideals of the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education (75) , which outlawed racial segregation in U. S. public schools. With students already (76) to schools for the (77) year that begins in September, (78) will be immediately affected by the Supreme Court decision. In Jefferson County, officials said it could be two years (79) a new plan is (80) place, leaving most students in their current schools.

【单选题】10() A. projects B. plans C. items D. schemes

This large city does almost no manufacturing and very little wholesale trade. Yet without the important service (1) provides, business everywhere would quickly grind to a (2) . Chaos would reign in all other leading cities. As you have guessed, the "product" we are talking about is government, and the city is the (3) of the United States, Washington, D. C. One out of every two persons (4) in the city works for the federal government.
Washington has many (5) . It leads the nation in level of education achieved by its residents. More than fifteen percent of its adults have had four years or more of college. (6) scientists can be found here than in any other city. Since larger incomes are earned by (7) people, Washington has the highest median income of any city.
Information is the vital force of the city. The Library of Congress (8) the largest and most comprehensive warehouse of information in the world. It contains 74 million items on hundreds of miles of (9) . In addition to books, these (10) include manuscripts, maps, photographs and documents. Papers of the Presidents all the way back to Washington are found here. The library is (11) to the public. It is considered by (12) to be one of the finest in the world. These people study the documents found in libraries.
Washington has many important governmental buildings and historic shrines. (13) include the Capitol building, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is (14) located here. This agency is responsible (15) putting new paper money into circulation. Tens of millions of dollars in money is (16) here every day.
Unlike most cities, which grow in jumbled masses, Washington was planned on paper (17) any of its buildings were erected. The planners incorporated broad open areas around the historic landmarks and buildings. As a result the city is (18) . The central part of the city (19) a huge green park with broad, tree-lined boulevards and splendid (20) of its great structures.

【单选题】Is Wal-Mart going wobbly Over the past couple of weeks, America’s largest company--linchpin of the low-wage, no-benefit economy that is increasingly the norm in America--has announced some surprising ...

an accident took place in Wal-Mart’s suppliers’ sweatshop
Wal-Mart attempts to open stores in the major cities of the Northeast Coast
a certain union bought 13 percent Wal-Mart’s stock this year
none of these

【单选题】Is Wal-Mart going wobbly Over the past couple of weeks, America’s largest company--linchpin of the low-wage, no-benefit economy that is increasingly the norm in America--has announced some surprising ...

reveal the troubles Wal-Mart faces
call on a higher wage for workers
shift the Wal-Mart’s burden to feds
arouse public’s attention to economic crisis