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follow these job-saving measures. You Will Need Honesty /__________ / Solutions . Step 1: Admit it Tell your boss you messed up without delay. It will be worse if ___1________________ Step 2: Take it like an Take full responsibility. Don’t try to explain it, minimize it, or justify it. Just say you’re sorry and move on to damage control. Don’t be a tattle. The boss will ______2_________ , and you’ll win points with colleagues for taking one for the team. Step 3: Offer solutions Explain how you’re going to correct the problem. If it’s something that’s not easily remedied, offer several options. Let your boss know ______________________ so there’s no further loss of productivity. Step 4: Learn from your mistake Tell your boss what you’ve learned from your mistake, and assure them it won’t happen again. Step 5: Move on (向前看) Move forward. Trust us: ________________4_________________________ Did you know? Twenty-eight percent of U.S. workers polled said __________5____________
