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Once a chief (酋长)told a servant(仆人)to go to the market. "Bring me the best piece of meat that is sold in the___26___ .’’said the chief. The servant ___27___ at once and ran to the market. The chief was surprised when the servant came ___28___ with thetongue of a cow. It didn’t seem to be good to ___29___? Yet when it was prepared by the ___30___, the chief was satisfied. The meat was truly ___31___? It was quite pleasing to eat. The chief called the servant to him again. &39; The tongue was ___32___ wonderful. Now go to the market again and___33___ me the worst piece of meat that is sold there.” The servant obeyed once again. He ran ___34___ to the market. Soon he came back ___35___ a piece of meat thatlooked like the first. The chief was astonished that the servant once again brought him a tongue from another ___36___? “What is this?” asked the chief, “When I asked you to fetch me the best piece of meat, you brought me the tongue. When I asked for the worst one, you brought me another tongue. Are you ___37___ me? ” The servant answered, “The tongue can be ___38___ or ugly, It can be sweet or bitter. It ___39___ the words and soundsthat arc heard by the ___40___? If a person words are kind and sweet, the tongue is at its best. It is delicious to the car. The___41___ of the tongue bring happiness. If the words we say are rude and sharp, they can be hurtful and ___42___. They canbring sadness and ___43___ “Thank you,” said the chief. “Your words are wise,” Then he said to his people, “May the words of all of us be ___44___and delicious to all who ___45___ them.” 26__________ A.country B.village C.market D.city 27A.replied B.cried C.escaped D.obeyed 28A.out B.back C.down D.along 29A.eat B.sell C.smell D.touch 30A.villagers B.women C.children D.cooks 31A.clean B.delicious C.big D.strange 32A.really B.merely C.usually D.slightly 33A.lend B.tell C.offer D.bring 34A.suddenly B.sadly C.quickly D.regularly 35A.carrying B.cutting C.eating D.pulling 36A.sheep B.horse C.duck D.cow 37A.teaching B.pleasing C.fooling D.helping 38A.beautiful B.useful C.expensive D.interesting 39A.asks for B.lives on C.depends on D.looks for 40A.chief B.listener C.servant D.seller 41A.sounds B.colors C.roots D.shapes 42A.difficult B.meaningful C.bitter D.true 43A.pity B.pain C.wonder D.effect 44A.special B.right C.funny D.sweet 45A.read B.hear C.speak D.write


【单选题】It is not surprising that a philosophy borrowed from business should see its principal focus within education as the furthering of the connection with business and industry. Moreover, when a philosoph...

the goals are easier to define and measure
for those who take a wider view of education
economic competition is so intense these days
youth are lacking the skills to compete in the modem economy