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Easter(复活节)is one of the two important Christian festivals.Easter celebrates resurrections (复活) of Jesus Christ(耶稣基督)and Christmas celebrates his birth.It's not a festival as big as Christmas.It starts usually in late March or early April and the Easter holiday is Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.It’s quite a long holiday for everybody. The main symbol(象征物)of Easter is Easter eggs.Children like Easter eggs because they are made of chocolate.Eggs are a symbol of new life. Easter is also a time for families to get together like Christmas.Many people see Easter as a nice long holiday and they have a good time with their families and friends. 小题1:People love Easter because ___________. A.it’s a long holiday B.it’s the birthday of Jesus Christ C.they can have real eggs on that day D.everybody believes in Jesus Christ 小题2:People begin to celebrate Easter in _________. A.mid-April or late April B.mid-March or late March C.late March or early April D.early March or mid-March 小题3:Easter eggs are _________. A.covered by chocolate B.chocolate eggs C.a symbol of death D.not food 小题4:From the passages,we know that ________. A.Jesus Christ died on Christmas Day B.Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day C.Jesus Christ was born on Easter D.Jesus Christ died and got his resurrection on Christmas Day.
