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阅读理解。 Russian figure skating (花样滑冰) star Evgeni Plushenko sent a message loud and clear at the Turin Winter Olympics (都灵冬奥会) in 2006. He didn't say a word,but the message was clear in the numbers. He finished with a score of 167.67 points in the free skate and 258. 33 overall (全部的)-a surprising 27.12 points ahead of the silver medalist. Four years ago,19-year-old Plushenko lost to his teammate and took the silver medal at the 2002 0lympics. This time, the three-time world champion took his first Olympic gold medal home. "This is mine, for no doubt (毫无疑问)," Plushenko said after the . "It was my dream when I was 4, I saw a competition and said to my mom,' I have to be there.'I said that I wanted to bean Olympic champion. Now I have all the titles (头衔) and I am really very happy." At the age of 11, Plushenko was sent to his current coach (现任教练) Since his family was verypoor,his mother went to work with the coach.Luckily, the coach was a very kind person. He paid for their apartment and gave young Plushenko food and money."He is a very good coach and a very nice person, "Plushenko said. "Without him, I would be nothing." 1. Plushenko won the silver medal at the 2002 0lympics when he was ______.A. 14 years old B. 19 years oldC. 16 years old D. 20 years old2. When Plushenko was 4 years old, he wanted to be______.A. a player B. a teacherC. an Olympic championD. a singer3. Plushenko won ______ in 2006. A. the silver medal B. the gold medalC. the second placeD. the third place4. Plushenko was ______ when he was a child.A. sad B. foolishC. rich D. poor5. ______ helped Plushenko a lot.A. His mother B. His coachC. His fatherD. His friend
