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阅读理解。 Chinese Valentine's Day (情人节) is on the sh day of the sh month of the lunar calendar (阴历). It is a traditional festival for Chinese people. It comes from a romantic ancient Chinese story. Niu Lang and Zhi Nv, two lovers who got separated by the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens, can only meet that night. Thanks to this touching story, Chinese people regardpeople also call it "Qixi". Meanwhile, February 14 of the solar calendar is European Valentine's Day. It is related to a moving story too. The story goes that, there was a cruel king in ancient Rome whose name was Claudius. He forbade the youth to get married during the wars, which made the lovers angry. There was a monk named Valentine who was very angry at the rule and the king. One day a couple of lovers came to his temple to ask for help to get married. Valentine helped them. Later, many couples got married with Valentine's help. But Claudius knew it soon. He put Valentine to death cruelly. And that day was February 14, the year of 270. Compared with European Valentine's Day, Qixi is less popular in China though it is a traditional Chinese festival. There may be many reasons. First of all, the lunar calendar is not easy to remember for most of the young people who are used to the solar calendar. Secondly, to many businessmen, European Valentine's Day is not only a festival for lovers but also a good chance to make money. Most of the flower shops can sell their flowers at a good price on European Valentine's Day while the business drops in Qixi, because on European Valentine's Day lovers know more about how to enjoy it. They exchange cards, flowers and go out to date. But most of them don't know the culture of Chinese Valentine's Day or how to celebrate it. 1. This text is mainly about __________. A. two moving romantic storiesB. something about Qixi and Valentine's DayC. why young people prefer Western festivalsD. how Qixi is different from European Valentine's Day 2. Qixi is less popular than European Valentine's Day because __________. A. businessmen think that European Valentine's Day is more important than QixiB. the government encourages people to celebrate foreign festivalsC. the costs on Qixi are higher than those on European Valentine's DayD. the lunar calendar is not easy to remember and people don't know how to enjoy Qixi 3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. Lovers exchange cards, flowers and go out to date on Qixi.B. Valentine helped a couple of lovers kill the cruel king.C. European Valentine's Day was named after a person.D. Old people in China dislike young people celebrating European Valentine's Day. 4. If the text goes on, what will probably be talked about in the next paragraph? A. Young people should fight for love and happiness.B. Chinese people should treasure traditional Chinese festivals more.C. Qixi will also become an international festival in the future.D. Chinese people should stop celebrating European Valentine's Day.


【单选题】太阴历的历元是( )


