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(63) Learning together is a fruitful source of relationship between children and parents. By playing together, parents learn more about their children and children learn more from their parents. () Toys and s which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this co-operation. Building-block toys and jigsaw puzzles and crosswords are good examples. (65) Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness and indulgence towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters, others are severe over times of coming home at night, punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness. In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child’s own happiness and well-being. (66) As regards the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very_ important in parental teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality. (67) Also, parents should realize that "example is better than precept". (From Bringing Up Children)


(63) Learning together is a fruitful source of relationship between children and parents. By playing together, parents learn more about their children and children learn more from their parents. () Toys and s which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this co-operation. Building-block toys and jigsaw puzzles and crosswords are good examples. (65) Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness and indulgence towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters, others are severe over times of coming home at night, punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness. In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child’s own happiness and well-being. (66) As regards the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very_ important in parental teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality. (67) Also, parents should realize that "example is better than precept". (From Bringing Up Children)


【单选题】Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, ...

train children to cope with stress
help children to win every game
prevent children from repeated failures
encourage children to enjoy themselves and sports


I paid 4 dollars for the shrimp.
I paid 6 dollars for the shrimp.
I paid 8 dollars for the shrimp.
I paid 12 dollars for the shrimp.

【单选题】Passage 3 Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. If it were only necessary to decide whether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the gifted few and take ...

would benefit the growth of gifted students
would ensure the students’ grasp of new knowledge
involves both the natural sciences and the social sciences
facilitates the training of effective reasoning and wise decision-making