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Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Among the company was a lawyer, a young man of about twenty-five. On being asked his opinion, he said, 'Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral. If I were to make a choice between them, I would rather choose the latter Anyway, it's better to live than not to live at all.' A lively discussion followed. A banker, who was then younger and more nervous than the lawyer, suddenly lost his temper and cried out, 'It's a lie. I bet you two million .You wouldn't stick in a cell even for five years.' 'If you mean it,' replied the young lawyer, 'I bet I'll stay there longer make it fif instead of five.' 'Fif! Done!' cried the banker. 'Gentleman, I bet you two millions.' 'Agreed. Two millions for my ,' said the lawyer. So this wild, ridiculous bet came to pass. The banker could not hide his excitement During supper he said to the lawyer jokingly, 'Come to your senses, young man, before it's too late. Two millions are nothing to me, but you stand to lose three or four of the best years of your life. I say three or four because you'll never stick it out any longer Don't forget that voluntary imprisonment is much harder to put up with than a enforced one. The idea that you have the right to free yourself any moment will poison your life in the cell. I pity you.' And now the banker, pacing from comer to comer, recalled all this and asked himself, 'Why did I make this bet? What's the good? The lawyer lost fif years of hi life and I threw away two millions. Will it convince people that capital punishment is worse or better than imprisonment for life? No, no! Rubbish! On my part, it was the caprice (心血来潮) of a well-fed millionaire on the lawyer's part, it's the pure greed c gold.' 21.The lawyer would choose life imprisonment because.

he was younger than the banker
capital punishment was immoral
it was better than capital punishment
the banker would give him $200,000

【单选题】Text 3 Shopping has always been something of an impulse activity, in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are immediately bought on a whim. Advertisers and sellers have tak...

reserved consent but discontent.
objective analysis void of opinions.
enthusiastic support but slight contempt.
approval so far but uncertainty in the future.

【单选题】Shopping has always been something of an impulse activity, in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are immediately bought on a whim. Advertisers and sellers have taken advantage of this ...

it has to be modified over time to remain effective.
for all its current profits, it will fade in the long run.
banners are beginning to lose their advertising efficiency.
Internet advertising methods will continue to decrease sales.

【单选题】Text 3 Shopping has always been something of an impulse activity, in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are immediately bought on a whim. Advertisers and sellers have tak...

the policy Internet advertisers design to lure clientele and its outcome.
the process and mixed consequences of Internet advertising and shopping.
the biggest splash Internet advertisers have recently made in sales promotions.
the banners Internet advertisers take advantage of to arouse customers’ interest.

【单选题】Text 3 Shopping has always been something of an impulse activity, in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are immediately bought on a whim. Advertisers and sellers have tak...

it has to be modified over time to remain effective.
for all its current profits, it will fade in the long run.
banners are beginning to lose their advertising efficiency.
Internet advertising methods will continue to decrease sales.

【单选题】Shopping has always been something of an impulse activity, in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are immediately bought on a whim.Advertisers and sellers have taken advantage of this f...

has taken the place of more traditional methods of advertising.
is one of the most effective ways to make profits on the web.
is paralleling advertising methods in traditional business settings.
seeks to tempt customers through impulse shopping methods.

【单选题】Shopping has always been something of an impulse activity, in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are immediately bought on a whim.Advertisers and sellers have taken advantage of this f...

has taken the place of more traditional methods of advertising.
is one of the most effective ways to make profits on the web.
is paralleling advertising methods in traditional business settings.
seeks to tempt customers through impulse shopping methods.