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Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below.

One argument is that no one has the right to take another person’s life.
Citizens believe that society is also responsible for the crime.
Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed.
The punishment of criminals has always been a problem for society.

【单选题】企业年金方案设计完成后,首先要提交()讨论通过。 A.董事会 B.职工大会或职工代表大会 C.股东大会或股东代表大会 D.监事会


【单选题】DB计划的实际成本由计划承担的给付水平、参保人员的死亡率、未来工资增长率、养老基金投资收益、计划的管理成本等多因素决定,因此需要精算师定期测算其成本。() A.正确 B.错误

补充养老保险计划按运作方式可分为DB计划、DC计划和混合型计划(DB和DC的混合)。所谓DB模式,就是给付确定型(defined benefit)模式的简称。DC模式是缴费确定型(defined contribution)模式的简称。认识和掌握两种模式的补充养老保险,在实际养老保险运营管理中非常必要。

【单选题】公司治理的内部治理机制一般包括()。 ①股东大会 ②董事会 ③监事会 ④参与目标公司治理 公司治理的内部治理机制一般包括()。 ①股东大会 ②董事会 ③监事会 ④参与目标公司治理 A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①③④ D.②③④


【单选题】为减轻养老压力,我国养老保险制度可以采取的措施有()。 A.提高养老金替代率 B.提高退休年龄 C.降低缴费比例 D.降低缴费年限


【单选题】34() A second language opens the door to the world-wide sharing of skills and discoveries in science, engineering and medicine. (From English World-wide) A. and supplied to radio stations in 120 count...

English is now the international language for airline pilots, scientists, medical experts, businessmen and many others. Consequently, more and more people are learning it. The BBC’s English teaching programs are broadcast daily to four continents (31) ______. Films and video are on the air or used in institutions in over 100 countries. All this helps to add more speakers to the estimated 100 million (32) ______. The rush to learn English has reached even China. The main reason for the upsurge (上升) in interest is (33) ______. Unlike many other widely used languages, English can be correctly used in a very simple form with less than one thousand words and (34) ______. This was pointed out in the 1920’s by two Cambridge scholars, Ogden and Richards, (35) ______. Another reason for the popularity of English is that English-speaking countries are spread throughout the world. An estimated 310 million people in Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. (36) ______. Also in former British colonial areas in Africa and Asia (37) ______, no common language has been found which would make a suitable substitute for English. In Delhi, although nationalists would prefer to phase out (逐步停止) the use of English, the man from South India finds English more acceptable than Hindi, (38) ______. Turning from India to Africa, a similar problem exists. However reluctant African nations are to use English and, as it were, subject themselves to a kind of "cultural imperialism", there seems to be no alternative language which will do the job of communication effectively. The view (39) ______. Some teachers who have returned from overseas consider it creates a wider gap between those who are educated (40) ______. Nevertheless, in many parts of the world, the technical and scientific knowledge needed to develop a country’s resources and improve people’s living conditions, is just not available in the mother tongue.

【单选题】企业年金方案讨论通过后,应提交劳动保障部门审核,向劳动保障部门申请审核应提交的材料有()。 ①本单位企业年金方案 ②上年度本企业财务报表 ③建立企业年金的职工名册 ④企业年金审批申请 企业年金方案讨论通过后,应提交劳动保障部门审核,向劳动保障部门申请审核应提交的材料有()。 ①本单位企业年金方案 ②上年度本企业财务报表 ③建立企业年金的职工名册 ④企业年金审批申请 A.①② B.①③ C.①②③ ...
