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Professor Brown was very absent-minded (心不在焉的). He had gone to visit a friend who lived not far
from the college. They had dinner and then talked and talked, for Brown was a great talker. Midnight came,
one o'clock, two o'clock, and still Brown kept on talking, though by this time the friend was feeling very
tired and kept looking at the clock. He didn't want to be impolite, but at last he said,'Brown, my dear fellow
(伙伴), I hate to put you out, but I have a class at nine o'clock tomorrow, and I must go to bed.
'My God!' said Brown, blushing (脸红) and looking awkward (尴尬), 'I thought you were at my house.'
1. Professor Brown worked in a ______.
[ ]
A. college
B. village
C. school
D. city
2. His friend's house was ______ his house.
[ ]
A. near to
B. far from
C. by
D. at the end of
3. Mr Brown talked ______ at his friend's house.
[ ]
A. immediately
B. a long time
C. not very long
D. a short time
4. While keeping on talking, his friend felt ______.
[ ]
A. happy
B. tiring
C. tired
D. glad
5. From the passage, we know that Professor Brown was bothand.
[ ]
A. talkative, quiet
B. helpful, tired
C. talkative, absent-minded
D. careless, absent-minded
