Domestic Pets in New Areas The role of design in successful pet ownership. This paper summarizes the findings of an investigation into the role of design in successful pet ownership. There are several reasons why planners should consider pets in decision about residential and open space development. People are not generally aware of the popularity pet ownership in Australia. The Morgan Research surveys estimate that in 1992, 37% of Australian households owned one or more dogs, and 30% owned one or more cats. Fifty-three percent of all households owned either a dog or a cat. Pet-owning households are clearly a substantial group within the community. Research shows that pets play an important role in teaching children about sharing, caring, communication and responsibility. They also act as companions and protectors, stress relievers and in some cases help to foster family cohesion. While pets are traditionally associated with family-type households, they are just as important to households without children in childless families. This applies particularly to the elderly, who usually form very close associations with their pets. In an era when the population is aging and more people are living alone, pets can provide valuable relief from loneliness. pet management has been the subject of extensive debate among veterinarians (兽医) and those involved in local government for some time. Part of the reason is that people complain more readily about other people’’s pets than ever before. Emphasis on consolidation has meant that smaller homes and back gardens and multi-dwelling developments. Not only discourage people from owning pets abut also place greater demands on scarce public open space. Pet owners may face tougher restrictions from either their local council or resident management committee. The term socially responsible pit ownership has emerged to describe a set of responsibilities to which pet owners are now expected to adhere. In meeting their responsibilities pet owners need to consider: —Providing an enriching environment to reduce unwanted behavior; e.g. excessive barking. —Confining dogs to their premises (前提). The advantages of this include protection from catching disease, being run over and fighting. Ideally cats should be confined to the house at night for their own protection where practicable. —Training pets to alter unacceptable behavior. —Exercising dogs, especially if they spend long periods on their own. It might be tempting to prescribe different pets for different types of housing. Some people already have firm views about pets and housing type, mostly in relation to dogs, e.g. that the only environment for a dog is in conventional detached housing or that a "big" dog is only suitable in the country. However, suitability is as much dependent on the quality of space as it is on the quantity. A dwelling that overlooks areas of activity is ideal for pets because it increases the amount of stimulation that can be received from the property, e.g. dwellings that overlooks a park or are close to a busy street. This is one way to release boredom and the negative behaviors that sometimes result. Preferably a dog should have access to some outdoor space. Open space is not essential for a cat provided an enriching environment is maintained indoors, e.g. a bay window or internal fernery (簇生的蕨). Ideally dog’’s behavior is likely to be better if he or she can see the street. Although the dog may bark at passers-by in the street, there will be less likelihood of excessive barking that might arise through boredom. Providing a dog with surveillance (监视) of the street also enhances public security — a very positive benefit. With adequate fencing, a dog will be confined to the property. Cats are less easily constrained and are discussed below. The standard paling fence (木栅栏): will restrict almost all dogs. They are recommended for side and rear boundaries. Solid front fences limit the view of the outside world and are not recommended. The dog will tend to be less roused by sound stimuli if he or she can see passers-by or activities in the street. However, it is important to ensure that the dog cannot get through the fence. Furthermore, all gates should be fitted with a return spring self-closing device. Cats are not as easily restrained as dogs as they are more agile and have quite different notions of territoriality. Mostly this does not create a problem, although difficulties may arise in environmentally sensitive areas where cats may prey on wildlife. It is recommended that cats be confined to the house at night for their own protection. The pleasure and benefits of pet ownership should be available to everyone. However, owning a pet brings with it responsibilities to which we are increasingly being called to adhere. It is hoped that the guidelines will encourage people to think about pets in decisions about residential and community development. If they do, pet ownership will not be prejudiced by the push for consolidation. Open space is not necessary for a cat as long as________ is maintained indoors.