Please use ONE word to describe one of the presentations you made in the past. Then elaborate on it by answering the following questions. 1) What did you present? 2)When did you present it? 3)Where did you present it? 4)To whom did you present it? 5) How did you benefit from that presentation? Please record your answer and attach your answer to this site. Notes: 本项作业是音频作业,请将音频文件上传至本作业站点。 本项作业是当堂作业,请在17:05分之前上传。超过截止时间仍可上传,但会扣除部分分数。 本项作业无时长要求,建议在1-2分钟以内。 本项作业无文本要求,愿意的话,大家可以把文本与音频一并提交,我会就音频作业反馈的同时,就文本里出现的一些问题也进行反馈。 .